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Genius and Lust: A Journey through the Major Writings of Henry Miller. New York: Grove, October. Anthology with critical commentary, 576 pp., $12.50.

Dedication: “to Henry Miller.” Contains excerpts from 10 of Miller’s books—Black Spring, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Sexus, Nexus, Plexus, Sunday after the War, The Colossus of Maroussi, Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch and The Air-Conditioned Nightmare—and 88 pages, in a foreword and nine sections, of commentary by Mailer, comprising his lengthiest piece of literary criticism. The book jacket drawing of Miller is by Norris Church Mailer, his sixth wife. Discarded titles: “Mailer on Miller”; “The Cosmic Demon.”

Rpt: Part of section 2 of Mailer’s commentary appeared in 76.3; all of sections 2, 3 and 4, with a few changes, appeared in 76.4. Pieces and Pontifications (82.16) contains two excerpts: parts of the foreword and sections 1 and 2 appear as “Miller and Hemingway”; the last two-thirds of section 4, “Narcissism,” appears under the same title. Two excerpts, pp. 3–10 and 173–94, appear as “Status” and “Narcissism,” respectively, in Critical Essays on Henry Miller, edited by Ronald Gottesman. New York: G.K. Hall, 1992, brief excerpt in 13.1. See 66.14, 68.11, 77.11.



  • Aldridge, John W. (November 13, 1976). "Godhead Revisited". Saturday Review. pp. 25–27. Positive.
  • Crews, Frederick (March 3, 1977). "Stuttering Giant". New York Review of Books. pp. 7–9. Negative.
  • Duberman, Martin (November 27, 1976). "Books Considered". New Republic. pp. 33–34. Mixed.
  • Gilman, Richard (October 4, 1976). "Norman Mailer Searches the Tropics—'Mr. Miller, I Presume.'". Village Voice. pp. 43–44. Positive.
  • Weinberg, Helen (November 14, 1976). "A Study in Lustful Genius". Cleveland Plain Dealer. Sec. 5, 28. Mixed.


  • Bailey, Jennifer (1979). Norman Mailer: Quick-Change Artist. New York: Harper & Row. pp. 140–142.
  • Bufithis, Philip (1978). Norman Mailer. New York: Frederick Ungar. pp. 125–129.
  • Lounsberry, Barbara (1990). The Art of Fact. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 158–174.
  • Merrill, Robert (1992). Norman Mailer Revisited. Boston: Twayne. pp. 146–149.