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Norman Mailer: Works and Days/Bibliography

From Project Mailer
Overview First Editions Key Critical Texts Bibliographies Biographies Criticism Cultural Backgrounds  

For an overview, especially those new to Mailer Studies, see the following bibliographies:

Norman Mailer: Works and Days
PrefaceLennon IntroductionLucas IntroductionAcknowledgments and Appreciations
First EditionsKey TextsBibliographiesBiographiesCriticismCultural Backgrounds
Works IndexNM’s IntroductionsThe Big BiteMailer for MayorAbbott Affair
Days IndexImportant Dates
Index of NamesWorks CategoriesDays Categories
Wikipedia book BooksProject page Projects

There is some unavoidable overlapping between some of the items in this section and “Works” because a number of critical essays and books, as well as memoirs and biographical writings, contain Mailer quotations not found elsewhere. The secondary items refer back to “Works,” but not vice versa. The web of cross-reference may be drawn tighter by users of this project; we have gone as far as seemed useful. Secondary references are divided into four sections:

The volume of reference to Mailer grows, if not exponentially, then constantly and quite rapidly. We are confident that the forthcoming accretions, and the inevitable omissions, will prompt future addenda and corrigenda to this project. We request that you help us with your comments, corrections and discoveries. Have something to share? Contact the editor to participate.


  1. Reviews and essays of individual books appear in the entries for those books.