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“Mailer Denies He Plagiarized.” Article by Eric Pace. New York Times, 27 June, 68. Report on statements by Mailer and his lawyer, Charles Rembar, denying the unauthorized use of the work of Marilyn Monroe biographers, Fred Lawrence Guiles and Maurice Zolotow, in Marilyn: A Biography (73.30). Accompanied by an article from the Times’ London correspondent reporting that Mark Goulden, publisher of the biographies by Guiles and Zolotow, stood by the plagiarism charge. The parties later settled the matter out of court. See 73.19 and following entries: “The Mailer Case: Authors and Law,” article by Lesley Oelsner, New York Times, 19 July, 30; also the huge advertisement for 73.30 in New York Times Book Review, 9 December, 14–15, in which Zolotow retracts his charge of plagiarism and Guiles says he never made a charge.