Letters to Myrick Land. In “Mr. Norman Mailer Challenges All the Talent in the Room,” The Fine Art of Literary Mayhem: A Lively Account of Famous Writers and Their Feuds, by Myrick Land, 216–238. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Chapter recapitulating “Quick and Expensive Comments on the Talent in the Room” (59.10), followed by rejoinders from Mailer and some of those he appraised in the original essay: Chandler Brossard, Herbert Gold, William Styron, Gore Vidal and Vance Bourjaily. The revised second edition (San Francisco: Lexikos, 1983) contains a 1982 postscript with valedictory comments from Mailer, Bourjaily and Gold, 228–244. See “Appendix A—Professional Mendacity” in 63.37 where Mailer criticizes the 18 January Time review of Land’s book. See also 13.2, 247–252.