Elizabeth Anne (“Betsy”) born to Adele 28 September.
On 6 November, Putnam's publishes Advertisements for Myself (59.13), an omnibus volume containing new and previously published work, including The White Negro (57.1), critical assessments of his contemporaries, and "The Mind of an Outlaw" (59.14), his essay on the struggle to write and publish The Deer Park (55.4). Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s City Lights Books publishes The White Negro (59.8a) in pamphlet form.
Mailer in captain's hat, 1959. Photo by Judy Scheftel.
(Left to right) Paul Engle, Ralph Ellison, Mark Harris, Dwight MacDonald, Norman Mailer, and (standing) Arnold Gingrich. (December 4, 1959, Iowa State)
Norman Mailer and Ralph Ellison (1959) Front row: Donald Kaufmann and Edmund Skellings, the University of Iowa, December 4-5.
Mailer in 1959. Photo by Peter Keen.