Quickly: A Column for Slow Readers (originally “Thinkers”). Village Voice (11 January-2 May). Last three columns are titled “The Hip and the Square.” Mailer’s column (accompanied by a photograph), his first appearance in the Voice, is introduced by Edwin Fancher, publisher, 4 January, 1-2. Mailer co-founded and named this weekly newspaper The Village Voice; first issue, 26 October 1955. Rpt: Six of the columns below (11 and 25 January, 28 March, 18 and 25 April and, in part, 2 May) in The Village Voice Reader: A Mixed Bag from the Greenwich Village Newspaper, edited by Daniel Wolf and Edwin Fancher. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1962. The 25 April column is reprinted nowhere else; the 28 March column is reprinted in its entirety only in this collection. Kenneth Tynan’s hard-to-find review of Advertisements for Myself (59.13) is also reprinted in this collection. See 78.7, 13.2, 198-208.
8 February, 5. On the distortions of the media. Rpt: 59.13.