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Norman Mailer: Works and Days
PrefaceLennon IntroductionLucas IntroductionAcknowledgments and Appreciations
First EditionsKey TextsBibliographiesBiographiesCriticismCultural Backgrounds
Works IndexNM’s IntroductionsThe Big BiteMailer for MayorAbbott Affair
Days IndexImportant Dates
Index of NamesWorks CategoriesDays Categories
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On 14 April, The Executioner’s Song wins the Pulitzer Prize for fiction.

In November, Mailer divorces Beverly Bentley, marries and divorces Carol Stevens, and marries (on 11 November) Norris Church.

Of Women and Their Elegance (80.15), a short novel about an imaginary incident in Marilyn Monroe’s life, is published on 26 November, the same month that he and Norris play cameo roles in Miloš Forman’s film based on E. L. Doctorow’s novel, Ragtime.

In the fall, Mailer is interviewed in Germany by J. Michael Lennon for a film documentary, Norman Mailer: A Sanction to Write, which is later shown in the U.S.