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From Project Mailer
Norman Mailer: Works and Days
PrefaceLennon IntroductionLucas IntroductionAcknowledgments and Appreciations
First EditionsKey TextsBibliographiesBiographiesCriticismCultural Backgrounds
Works IndexNM’s IntroductionsThe Big BiteMailer for MayorAbbott Affair
Days IndexImportant Dates
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Along with Susan Sontag, Gay Talese and Gore Vidal, Mailer takes part in a 15 February reading (which he also directs) of George Bernard Shaw’s Don Juan in Hell (Act 3, Scene 2, the dream sequence of Man and Superman) at Carnegie Hall.

In June, he and Schiller interview Marina Oswald for five days in a Dallas Hotel.

In late July, his line drawings (later published in Modest Gifts: Poems and Drawings (03.17)), are shown at the Berta Walker Gallery in Provincetown.

In late November, gives the keynote address at the Third Assassination Symposium on John F. Kennedy in Dallas.

Continues work on Oswald's Tale: An American Mystery (95.16).