It also suggests that action, quite unlike society’s view of it, is not single but double. Action is a compromise. It is the putting to rest of two irreconcilables, and no action is ever meaningless.
December 1, 1954 | |
December 8, 1954 | |
December 17, 1954 | |
December 28, 1954 | |
December 29, 1954 | |
December 31, 1954 | |
January 3, 1955 | |
January 20, 1955 | |
January 24, 1955 | |
January 25, 1955 | |
January 26, 1955 | |
January 27, 1955 | |
January 31, 1955 | |
February 1, 1955 | |
February 2, 1955 | |
February 7, 1955 | |
February 10, 1955 | |
February 14, 1955 | |
February 21, 1955 | |
February 22, 1955 | |
March 4, 1955 | |