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Norman Mailer: Works and Days
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On 15 October, The Mind of an Outlaw: Selected Essays of Norman Mailer (13.1), edited by Phillip Sipiora, with an introduction by Jonathan Lethem, is published by Random House. It contains forty-nine of Mailer’s most important essays, 1948–2006, including one previously unpublished: “Freud,” a four-page reflection from the mid-1950s.

On 15 October, Norman Mailer: A Double Life (13.2), by J. Michael Lennon, is published by Simon and Schuster. This authorized biography contains extensive quotations from Mailer’s unpublished letters, interviews with him, and with 85 others—his family, friends, and literary associates.

In November, “Love-Buds” (13.3), a previously unpublished short story written by Mailer in his senior year in college, is published in the Mailer Review.