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Norman Mailer Society/Minutes of the 2018 Meeting of the Executive Board

From Project Mailer
Norman Mailer Society
Robert F. Lucid AwardBarry Leeds Travel Fund • Graduate Writing Award
Executive Board
2019 Minutes2018 Minutes • 2017 Minutes • 2016 Minutes
2019 Minutes • 2018 Minutes2017 Minutes2016 Minutes • 2003 Minutes
2019 Membership Drive2017 Membership Drive • 2016 Membership Drive
Future Conference Sites

The Executive Board of The Norman Mailer Society ("NMS ") met in Macon, Georgia, on October 26, 2019, with President Maggie McKinley presiding. Also in attendance were Board members attending the conference.

Upon motion of Michael Lennon, and a second to the motion, Board members voted that the 2019 conference of The Norman Mailer Society will be held at Wilkes University, in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. The conference dates will be announced, but will be held in the second week of October, likely beginning October 10, 2019. The Board took the action after considering other options, including St. Petersburg and Long Branch.

The Board also discussed future potential conference locations. Mike Lennon moved that the 2020 conference be held at Long Branch, New Jersey, in conjunction with Monmouth University. Upon second, the motion was approved. It was the consensus of the Board that location of the conference should be headquartered at a different hotel from that used at the previous Long Branch conference.

Treasurer Jason Mosser told the Board that he would serve one more year as Treasurer, and requested that the Board search for his successor in that capacity for the future.

There being no other business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Marc S. Triplett, Secretery