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Norman Mailer Society/By-Laws

From Project Mailer
Norman Mailer Society
Robert F. Lucid AwardBarry Leeds Travel Fund • Graduate Writing Award
Executive Board
2019 Minutes2018 Minutes • 2017 Minutes • 2016 Minutes
2019 Minutes • 2018 Minutes2017 Minutes2016 Minutes • 2003 Minutes
2019 Membership Drive2017 Membership Drive • 2016 Membership Drive
Future Conference Sites
  1. This Society shall be called the Norman Mailer Society.
  2. The purpose of this Society is to stimulate and encourage interest in the works of Norman Mailer.
  3. Membership is open to all who believe in the Society’s purpose.
  4. Dues: $30, Individual; $35, Couple; $10, Student; $300, Individual Life; Honorary Members, free (upon vote of membership).
  5. The annual meeting of the Society will be at a time and a place to be determined by the members. The President is empowered to call special meetings, as necessary.
  6. The Board of Directors will consist of 12-24 members elected at large from the Society’s membership, after being nominated by the nominating committee or by any member, with a second, from the floor at annual meetings. The term of office shall be for three years, with staggered terms; therefore, the first Board shall be elected as follows: four to seven members for a one-year term, four to seven for a two-year term, and four to seven for a three-year term. The Board shall be elected by mail, email or vote at the annual meeting. Any member of the Board may be removed by a majority vote of the other Board members.
  7. The Board Officers, nominated by the nominating committee, and elected by the membership at the annual meeting, shall serve terms of three years except for the first slate of officers where the terms will follow the duration outlined above… Nominations of Officers from the floor at annual meetings are also permitted. The Officers are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
  8. Board Officer Duties: The President shall preside at annual meetings, have overall responsibility for the operations of the Society, including supervision of the website, appointment of committees and appointment of the bibliography editor. The Vice President shall assume the presidency if it is vacant, assist the President as necessary, and chair the Nominating Committee. The Secretary shall keep the membership records, take minutes at all meetings, assist the President with the operation of the website and chair the Membership Committee. The Treasurer shall keep a record of all funds received and expended, chair the Finance Committee, sign all authorized checks up to $250, counter-sign (with any other Board member), all checks over $250 expended in accordance with these bylaws and the actions of the Board and membership. Officers serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for authorized expenses, not including travel to annual meetings.
  9. The Society will undertake the following activities: an annual meeting; the creation and updating of a website devoted to matters of interest to the membership; a semi-annual newsletter (via the website); an annual bibliography of works by and about Norman Mailer (via the website); and other projects, including awards, that will promote the works and reputation of Norman Mailer.
  10. No member of the Society shall be liable except for dues.
  11. A member who has not paid dues for two consecutive years shall be classified as not in good standing and unless there is sufficient reason shall be dropped from the membership.
  12. The following Standing Committees of the Board shall be appointed by the President: Nominating Committee (chaired by the Vice President); Finance Committee (chaired by the Treasurer); Membership Committee (chaired by the Secretary). The President is a member of all committees, ex officio.
  13. Ad Hoc committees: the President may appoint ad hoc committees, as necessary.
  14. Amendment to these Bylaws shall be voted upon by mail, e-mail or vote at the annual meeting by the full membership. A two-thirds vote of those voting is required for approval. Amendments may be proposed by any member of the Board of Directors, or by the petition of any ten members in good standing.