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Norman Mailer Society/Join/2017 Letter from David Light

From Project Mailer
Norman Mailer Society
Robert F. Lucid AwardBarry Leeds Travel Fund • Graduate Writing Award
Executive Board
2019 Minutes2018 Minutes • 2017 Minutes • 2016 Minutes
2019 Minutes • 2018 Minutes2017 Minutes2016 Minutes • 2003 Minutes
2019 Membership Drive2017 Membership Drive • 2016 Membership Drive
Future Conference Sites

Dear Friends:

I can’t believe we are entering the 15th year of The Norman Mailer Society. It seemed like yesterday that I, Mike Lennon, Barry Leeds, Bob Lucid and John Whalen-Bridge met in Boston to set the groundwork for the Society, which had its inaugural conference in Brooklyn in 2003. During the past fifteen years as Treasurer of the Society, I have attended each conference: meeting old friends, making new friends, and often being in the presence of Norman. The Society has always been about the people, people who share a common bond and a deep admiration and love for Norman Mailer.

The Society has stayed strong for fifteen years, in great part to the stalwart leadership of such people as Mike Lennon, Phillip Sipiora, the late Barry Leeds, Marc Triplett, Mark Olshaker, the late Deborah Martinson, and Bonnie Culver. And the Society will continue to grow stronger with the ongoing guidance of Maggie McKinley, Justin Bozung, Jerry Lucas and the rest of our outstanding Executive Board. The future of the Society rings with excitement.

Many of you have never attended a conference; I have not had the pleasure of meeting you other than through an email. Some of you have been along for the ride for a consistently long time, while many of you have joined, left and/or came back. Regardless, you supported the Society and its efforts, and you expressed your admiration for Norman in the way you felt most comfortable. I respect you for that, and you have my heartfelt appreciation.

This is a special landmark year for the Society. The 15th Annual Conference will be held in Sarasota. The Mailer Review has just completed 10 years of outstanding scholarship. It will be a year of growth and of transitions. I invite you join in the celebration by the best and easiest way I know how to…by asking you to become a member of the Society. Some of you are LIFE members, and some of you have been regular members all along. And some of you have been members, but have left.

Our strength is in the people who make up the Society. We are poised for the future, and I am reaching out to you by asking for the strength of your support to help the Society makes it next great move.

Please give consideration to becoming a member in this very special year. Consider making a donation, and if you do, we will acknowledge you in the 2017 issue of The Mailer Review. As I said earlier, the Society has always been about the people…you.

Warmest Regards,
David Light

Membership Drive 2017

Welcome to the 2017 Norman Mailer Society Membership Drive.

Membership in the Society runs from January 1 to December 31. Membership dues are as follows:

  • Student ($10)
  • Individual ($30)
  • Couple ($35)
  • LIFE Individual ($300)

A copy of the Eleventh Issue of The Mailer Review comes with your 2017 membership.

Please join now!

Barry Leeds Travel Fund

To honor the memory of the late Barry H. Leeds, one of the founders of the Mailer Society, his family and friends have established The Barry Leeds Travel Fund. In 2017, the Fund will award $100 travel grants to students attending the next Society conference in Sarasota (October 26, 27 and 28). The Society will also accept applications for a $500 award to scholars traveling to the University of Texas-Austin to study the Mailer papers at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center. A brief letter explaining the applicant’s research project should be sent to Society Board member, Dr. Robert Begiebing (rbegiebing [at] comcast [dot] net) by March 15, 2017. He and Board member Dr. Bonnie Culver will chose a winner. Only one $500 award will be given in 2017; in future years, if the Leeds Travel Fund grows, more awards will be given.

Conference 2017 (#MailerConf17)

We are pleased to announce that the 2017 Norman Mailer Society Conference will be held in Sarasota, Florida, in cooperation with the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee. See our call for papers.