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The Mailer Review/Volunteer

From Project Mailer
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Attention digital writing pros and Mailer aficionados: we need you to volunteer as assistant digital editors for the Review!

Student Editors, Spring 2025
Graduate students taking NMAC 5108.
Student Editors, 2020
Joseph DavisJoshua EubanksAmy HesterKyle HunterBria JamesAutumn MurrayChristina PinkstonMontavier SandersJustin SheppardMorgan WigginsEvan Williams
Student Editors, 2019
Sandy CallawayDana McGonagillMiriam QureshiSherita Sims-JonesJosef Vice

Would you like to help promote the legacy of Norman Mailer? Do you have an eye for detail? Would you like to pick up some wiki-editing skills? Do you need a project that will help a thriving community of Mailerians? If so, we need you. If you would like to volunteer your time to help us translate our paper journal into a digital version on the site, please contact the editor of Project Mailer at editor@projectmailer.net for an assignment. Have an article in mind? Be sure to state its title and volume number in your email. All articles that appear as red links need digital remediation (click the Volumes tab above, and browse the table of contents for each edition). Your assistance would be much appreciated.

Resources for Editors

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