The Mailer Review/Volume 6, 2012

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Articles and Miscellany
- Robert J. Begiebing, Ray Elliott, J. Michael Lennon, Warren Mason
Why Mailer and Jones Matter - Morris Dickstein
Norman Mailer and the Nobel Prize - J. Michael Lennon
Gore and Norman in Provincetown - Richard Stratton
Mailer Matters - J. Michael Lennon
Mailer is Back - John Whalen-Bridge
Why Mailer Mattered, Why Mailer Matters - Jeffrey Michelson
The Norman Mailer/José Torres Saturday Morning Boxing Club and My War with Ryan O’Neal - Sean Abbott
Great American App: Norman Mailer, Electronic Books, and Revolutionary Consciousness - Michael K. Glenday
The Blade and the Gambler: F. Scott Fitzgerald and Norman Mailer - Bob Batchelor
Mailer and Updike: Probing American Culture as Writers and Celebrities - Mashey Bernstein
My First Encounter with Norman Mailer - Barry H. Leeds
Literature As Life; Life As Literature: Mailer’s Existential Shout of Defiance in An American Dream - Maggie McKinley
Mailer’s Modern Myth: Reexamining Violence and Masculinity in An American Dream - Erik Nakjavani
The Living George Plimpton: Taking a Sporting Stance between Hemingway and Mailer - Erik Nakjavani
Reporting with the Inner Eye: George Plimpton on Writing and Sports - H.R. Stoneback
From Hem to Eternity: James Jones, Hemingway, Paris—Meditation & Memoir - Joseph Comprone
Narrative Voices, Dialectics, and the Fiction of Norman Mailer - David Anshen
The Prescience of Mailer’s Marxism: Socialism or Barbary Shore? - Jason Mosser
Norman Mailer: Genre Bender - Nicole DePolo
A Philosophical Launch Of A Fire on the Moon Ignites into Moonfire - Sarah Bishop
The Life and Death of the Celebrity Author in Maidstone - Susan Oommen
To Deliver the Metaphor: Intent and Rhetoric in Norman Mailer - Donald L. Kaufmann
The Mailer Legacy and Aleatory Burroughs - Fraser Mann
Never So Simple: Why We Should Learn from Mailer’s Engagement with Complexity
Classic Interpretation
Book Reviews
- Marilyn & Me: A Photographer’s Memories
Richard Stratton
Marilyn Close Up - Norman Mailer: The Self-Appointed Messiah
Mashey Bernstein
Missing the Contradictions - Laura Meets Jeffrey: Both Sides of an Erotic Memoir
Michael L. Shuman
Debauchery Duet
Creative Works
- Jay Hopler
Glose for Hart Crane - Jay Hopler
After Surgery, My Wife Helps Me into the Garden Where I Sit for Some Little Time Brooding on My Present Situation - Nicholas Samaras
Why Mailer Matters - Daniele Pantano
Vaudeville - Melanie Graham
Many Happy Returns - Allen Speed
Saturdays with Norman, circa 1981 - Sean Abbott
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