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Talk:The Mailer Review/Volume 3, 2009

From Project Mailer

Article Assignments

You will need to request an article and user name for Project Mailer by emailing editor@projectmailer.net; follow the directions on Remediating Articles. You may click the link to your article below to begin your edits. Status indicators in the ? column: ☑Y = complete; ☑Y = in process; ☒N = not started.

# Author Article Editor ?
1 Worcester A Favor for the Ages PLowery ☑Y
2 Olshaker The Crime of His Time JPridgeon ☑Y
3 Stone The Loser’s Loser SDeese ☑Y
4 Dahlby Examining Mailer - ☑Y
5 Balter Secret Agency AWalker ☑Y
6 Peppard Light Russian Lit KVAtta ☑Y
7 Whelan-Bridge and Oon Washed by the Swells ARiley ☑Y
8 Martinson It Takes a Thief KVAtta ☑Y
9 Dickstein The Time of His Time - ☑Y
10 Moyer Meeting Mailer - ☑Y
11 Busa Norman’s Crystals MKent ☑Y
12 Kaufmann Courtly Mailer KMullins ☑Y
13 Miller Women Redux KWilcox ☑Y
14 Mosser Genre Bending JPridgeon ☑Y
15 Laist American Existentialism EWebb ☑Y
16 Meloy Tales of the “Great Bitch” - ☑Y
17 Vince Reflections of Time Past BDaughtry ☑Y
18 Fleming The Faith of Romanticism CLedoux ☑Y
19 Hicks The Mailerian Dynasty TReid ☑Y
20 Ahern Collecting Mailer RAshford ☑Y
21 Mailer Some Dirt - ☑Y
22 Mailer A Short Course - ☑Y
23 Chaiken Editing Mailer MWalker ☑Y
24 Kramer Mailer, Maidstone, and Me - ☑Y
25 Steiner Sign of the Times - ☑Y
26 Pennebaker Mailer at First Light Jules Carry ☑Y
27 Sipiora Perspectives on Cinema TMcmillan ☑Y
28 Rhodes Commando Raids CAndrews ☑Y
29 Manon Heading off Satisfaction - ☑Y
30 Marrow Tough Guys Do Dance MMontford ☑Y
31 Bernstein Maidstone, Mailer, and Mashey - ☑Y
32 Leeds A British View TMcmillan ☑Y
33 Shuman The Blue Hour KMullins ☑Y
34 Mailer It’ll Pass SDeese ☑Y
35 Samaras A Psalm for Mailer - ☑Y
36 Duranti The Prisoner’s Dream - ☑Y
37 Holmes and Zinck Bibliography 2008 Everyone ☑Y