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User talk:Namir Riptide

From Project Mailer


OK, I have to ask. What are “positive money arithmatic” (do you mean arithmetic?) and “creative situation solving” (you solve situations? like escape rooms?)? Just curious. 😁 —Grlucas (talk)

@Grlucas: Building off the joke: reading, writing, and arithmatic. I say Positive money arithmatic meaning I enjoy actually having and making money and being able to cover all my bills and live. Solve Fictional situations: D&D, WW, NWoD, PF, Rifts, Fuzion, etc. XD Logic puzzles interest me, but I already have too many interests and not enough time. XD Namir Riptide (talk) 16:53, 7 April 2019 (UTC)
@Namir Riptide: I'd like to say that clears it up... 😉 —Grlucas (talk) 19:19, 7 April 2019 (UTC)

Mailer Family Bios

Just so you know: many of the Mailer family have short bios in the later editions of the Mailer Review. Look in the “Mailer Review” directory of the shared drive. How are those coming? Let me or Jules Carry (talk · contribs) know if you need help. —Grlucas (talk) 22:13, 9 April 2019 (UTC)

Peer Review of Matthew Smith’s contributions to the Course

  • Journal:

I see that you have been posting in your journal, which is great the key with journal posting is to be consistent and post frequently.

  • Discussion

I see you are have not commenting or contributed to the discussion page this might hurt in you in the long run. The last discussion the class performs was about the Content Gap. As long as you participants in the activities in class you can succeed.

  • Norris church mailer:

There were several assignments of Norris Church Mailer and everyone needed to contribute to the overall development. Now, I know it hard to contribute to an assignment when the whole class has just edited the article at the same time, which is why communication is key. It is never too late to start getting involved with the activities.

  • Success

This class has been hard for everyone, but communicate I find is the key. In your journal post, you mention that you struggle in this class a lot because of instruction and clarity but you are not alone in this subject others students are in the same situation. Because you are trained in a different field of study you bring a different perspective towards the ideas among the group. I feel your business mindset will help structure this assignment to a much variety of individuals. --Waebo (talk) 05:59, 13 April 2019 (UTC)

Peer Review of Matthew (Namir) Smith Contributions to the course

Strengths and weaknesses of your contributions to the course.


Your posts show that you have been participating often in the class. Way to start increasing those journal posts. You still have a couple of weeks to continue adding to more.


You have contributed to all discussion posts except the Thinking about Wikipedia one for this week. Don't forget to contribute to it. I'm sure it will help your grade some.

Norris Church Mailer Bio

I saw your evaluation of the Norris Church Bio but I didn’t see your updated one. It maybe on your sandbox and I just didn’t see it.

Project Mailer/An American Dream

I know that you have been working on the Mailer letters and references for this assignment. It looks like everyone has contributed quite a bit to this assignment and it’s really starting to come together. Keep up the great work.

Continued success and improvement

Contribute to this week's discussion questions, continue adding journal posts, and continuing to stay on track with the rest of our assignments will definitely help you further succeed in this course. Sherita Sims-Jones (talk) 00:21, 15 April 2019 (UTC)