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Lipton’s Journal/Correspondence of Robert Lindner and Norman Mailer/June 3, 1955

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To Robert Lindner
June 3, 1955

Dear Bob,

That was a good talk we had on the phone and I wish we could get together soon. Everything is in a jam here. I’m working overtime on The Deer Park, trying to do the impossible, alternate critical detachment with creative immediacy—very close to the psychopathic, you know—and somehow pull off a small miracle which, between us, I doubt if I will do. Still, the book will be a little better and I’ll have learned something in the process, I hope.

You sounded very tired on the phone and while I know your amazing capacity to recuperate quickly, I hope that you will take your simple bodily needs into account and take off a few days now and again over the summer, whether your patients get p.o.’ed or not. I’ve been living for a good many months now pushed past the normal output of my energy, and it can set up a vicious circle.

Let me hear from you when you get a chance. I know you’re very busy and your correspondence must be heavy, but if you have an odd moment drop a note.
