Norman Mailer Society/News

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  • 2022-02-09: Gay Talese turns 90: his 10 maxims to write a good chronicle.
  • 2022-02-08: Readers respond to Michael Mailer’s piece about his father and other “canceled” writers in the Boston Globe.
  • 2022-02-07: Barbara Mailer Wasserman is interviewed by WVIA Public Media.
  • 2022-02-04: Jason Epstein, Editor and Publishing Innovator, Is Dead at 93. His literary and marketing instincts brought quality paperbacks to American readers and led to the creation of The New York Review of Books.
  • 2022-02-03: Michael Mailer writes “Canceling my father, Norman Mailer: The US needs to stop eating its own” in the Boston Globe. He argues, “It needs to stop canceling great writers who made essential contributions to our cultural vibrancy. Committing bad acts does not invalidate their cultural legacies.”
  • 2022-02-02: David Klion, in “Norman Mailer Wasn’t Canceled,” argues the The White Negro “deserves to be studied and situated in its context rather than censored for its antiquated racial language.” He reminds those proponents of cancel culture that Mailer “captured something urgent about [his] time, challenged an older generation’s conventional wisdom, and cultivated a younger readership hungry for something vital and relevant.”
  • 2022-01-31: Happy birthday to Norman Mailer on what would have been his 99th birthday.
  • 2022-01-30: “What Nadal Did in Australia Deserves a Book. by Norman Mailer.”
  • 2022-01-20: Michael Mailer contextualizes the latest controversy surrounding Mailer and makes an argument for publishing companies to be a place for the “free exchange of ideas” in “What Norman Mailer’s ‘Cancellation’ Reveals.” Via The Spectator.
  • 2022-01-17: “The effort to ‘delete’ American novelist Norman Mailer” argues that “[t]he censorship of Mailer’s work has a thoroughly reactionary, antidemocratic content.”
  • 2022-01-11: “BFG Podcast #037: Norman Mailer, ‘Don’t Look Up,’ and Losing on a Game Show” wherein renowned book critic Carolyn Kellogg joins Neal Pollack to talk about the posthumous Norman Mailer controversy, [and] Carolyn refers to the second half of Harlot’s Ghost as a great book, and says that even when she didn’t agree with Mailer’s outrageous opinions, he always gave her something interesting to argue about.
  • 2022-01-10: “‘The White Negro’: Norman Mailer’s Essay 65 Years Later” by Peter Dreier considers Mailer’s 1957 essay in light of current events and concludes “For all its many inexcusable flaws, ‘The White Negro’ was an important essay for its time and a yardstick for measuring how we discuss race today.”
  • 2022-01-10: “If Norman Mailer can be cancelled, no one is safe” argues Tim Black, perhaps overstating the issue based on the facts, but his point is strong. He continues: “This ought to chill the bones of anyone concerned about freedom today. Because if a figure as towering as Mailer can be cancelled, then no one, dead or alive, is safe. . . . The results of this purge of the dissenting, divergent or just plain anachronistic are all around us, on the page and lining bookstore shelves. Fiction, especially so-called literary fiction, is increasingly dull and sanitised.”
  • 2022-01-07: “[Mailer] stalked the twentieth century like a proud satyr: hideous, provocative, funny and insightful, and always true to himself.” Read more from Tomiwa Owolade in his insightful op-ed on the Random House brouhaha.
  • 2022-01-06: “Mailer and the Monoculture” by Geoff Shullenberger considers “The White Negro” and it continued relevance: ‘The White Negro’ was an early shot fired in what we now call the culture war. It set the agenda for debates that persist to this day, albeit in sometimes unrecognizable forms. All of this makes Mailer’s posthumous cancellation a revealing incident.”
  • 2022-01-05: “You can’t cancel Norman Mailer.” From The New York Times: “Norman Mailer Book to Be Released by Skyhorse.” In the wake of a seemingly made-up controversy, the record is set straight by John Buffalo Mailer and J. Michael Lennon in an article by Alexandra Alter and Elizabeth A. Harris.
  • 2022-01-04: “The Execution and Un-Execution Of Norman Mailer” by Neal Pollack states that “Millennials hate him and he must go, but he’s not going anywhere.”
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