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A template for inserting page numbers when remediating print sources. It will also add anchor for links to specific pages.


{{pg|first page #|next page #}}

For example, indicating a page break after page 203 would look like:


And render:

Proin a ultricies purus. In blandit erat ex, vitae feugiat ex mattis non. Sed fermentum accumsan tincidunt. Duis justo neque, feugiat sed nibh quis, posuere laoreet ligula. Ut at urna tellus. Sed eget ante nunc. In nec risus semper, maximus orci et, consectetur sapien. Ut accumsan faucibus ipsum. Quisque feugiat, sapien pharetra tincidunt facilisis, nisl tellus efficitur elit, non hendrerit velit lorem ut risus. In eget nisi malesuada, mattis metus in, iaculis diam.

page 203

page 204

Proin vestibulum porttitor sem, sit amet laoreet sapien sodales sed. Phasellus vestibulum consequat ultricies. Aliquam a sem placerat erat varius aliquet hendrerit et nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam posuere magna arcu, vel aliquet dui commodo in. Fusce ornare justo erat, ut porttitor sapien hendrerit vitae.

This template will also insert a link anchor for the new page. In the above example, adding #204 to the end of the URL will take a user directly to that page in the text.