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Permanently protected template
From Project Mailer
Written by
[[{{{first}}} {{{last}}}]]
Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

The byline template is used for author or editor information, abstract, publication notes, and short URL. It uses the last and first variables to add the appropriate categories to the article.

The template should appear at the top of all The Mailer Review articles.


List of all parameters:

 | align     = left|right (right is default)
 | type      = Written|Edited (Written is default)
 | last      = writer/editor’s last name
 | first     = writer/editor's first name and any middle initial
 | last2     = second writer/editor’s last name (if applicable)
 | first2    = second writer/editor's first name and any middle initial (if applicable)
 | last3     = third writer/editor’s last name (if applicable)
 | first3    = third writer/editor's first name and any middle initial (if applicable)
 | abstract  = the article abstract (if applicable)
 | notes     = publication or editor's notes (if applicable)
 | url       = the short link to the article using prmlr.us (this link will be filled in by the editor)