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The Mailer Review/Volume 3, 2009/It’ll Pass, It Always Does: Difference between revisions

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HENRY<br />
HENRY<br />
I really don’t think this is the time or place to do this.
I really don’t think this is the time or place to do this.
JOANNE<br />
What are we doing Henry? Huh? What, are we talking? Oh that’s right, you don’t like to talk. We never do it. That’s why you don’t want to do this.
HENRY<br />
I am not wrong in wanting to avoid this topic in a Goddamn Laundromat!
JOANNE<br />
Of course you’re not wrong, dear. You’re never wrong.
HENRY<br />
Right, right, I’m never wrong. Fuck you I’m never wrong.
JOANNE<br />
I am not your mother, Henry . . .
HENRY<br />
Damn right, my mother isn’t a moron.
JOANNE<br />
I might as well just leave now.
HENRY<br />
(''Maxim and Roger pause for a moment, but quickly go back to folding their laundry and their conversation.'')
JOANNE<br />
I used to smile every time I thought of you.
HENRY<br />
I want this to work, Joanne. I love you. Don’t I make you happy?
(''She folds her last pair of socks, drops it into the laundry basket, looks at Henry one last time, and exits. Henry looks dumbfounded for a moment, realizes she has left him, and runs after her, laundry basket in hand.'')
ROGER<br />
It’ll pass, it always does.
MAXIM<br />
I don’t know, man. This is some scary shit. I’ve never had a rash down there before.
ROGER<br />
I’m telling you, you’re getting yourself all worked up over nothing. Give it a couple of days, it’ll go away.
MAXIM<br />
Are you sure, ’cause it’s been three already? I’m really starting to get worried.
ROGER<br />
Trust me, it’s nothing.
MAXIM<br />
This is so ''comme il faut'' ...
ROGER<br />
MAXIM<br />
ROGER<br />
What is?
MAXIM<br />
That I caught something. It’s so fucking perfect! The one time I have a random hookup, I get a Goddamn venereal disease. I never should have listened to you. If I had stayed home that night and rubbed one out like I wanted to, I wouldn’t be dealing with this now. But, no, you had to make me go out to the club.
ROGER<br />
I didn’t make you go out.
MAXIM<br />
You didn’t make me go out? “Come out to the club, Max. It’ll be a good time. We’ll get you laid. Women there like you only dream about.” I’m such an asshole. Why do I keep listening to you?
ROGER,<br />
All right, so I made you go out. I didn’t tell you to go home with the town higgledy-piggledy.
MAXIM<br />
What the Hell’s a higgledy-piggledy?
ROGER<br />
An indiscriminate.
MAXIM<br />
Why didn’t you tell me she was a Goddamn higgledy-piggledy when you saw me leaving with her?
ROGER<br />
I figured you knew what you were doing. What am I, your father? I gotta’ take care of you? You’re an adult, Max. It’s about time you started taking some responsibility for your actions.
MAXIM<br />
Look, forget it. I have to get this looked at.
ROGER<br />
You’re worrying about nothing.
MAXIM<br />
Roger, there’s a mauve rash on my balls and it hurts every time I pee; I think there might be something wrong with me.
ROGER<br />
Everyone’s got a little something wrong with their balls, you just learn to deal with yours and be thankful it’s not something worse.
MAXIM<br />
Are you kidding me? Do you hear the words coming out of your mouth? No, everyone does not have a little something wrong with their ... (''notices a small child who has just entered with her Babysitter'') You-know-whats. In fact most people think it’s a pretty big deal when something’s wrong down there.
ROGER<br />
Was it fun?
MAXIM<br />
ROGER<br />
Did you have a good time that night?
MAXIM<br />
That’s not the point, Roger. I’m trying to get at something deeper here.
ROGER<br />
No, Max, that is exactly the point; you don’t know how to have a good time.
MAXIM<br />
I most certainly do know how to have a good time.
ROGER<br />
Last time we went to a ball game, you had a bad hot-dog and got sick. We go to a club, you take the wrong girl home and get a V.D.. It’s always something with you.
MAXIM<br />
What, it’s my fault I got a bad hot-dog and a girl with the clap?
ROGER<br />
I’m sorry Max, but yes, it’s your fault.
MAXIM<br />
It’s bad luck. I can’t control that.
ROGER<br />
Yes you can.
MAXIM<br />
You can control your luck?
ROGER<br />
If you know how to have a good time, yes.
MAXIM<br />
I have a good time. I always have a good time. Don’t I look like I have a good time?
ROGER<br />
Max, if you worry about whether or not everything you do is dirty, you’re gonna’ get an infection.
MAXIM<br />
I don’t follow.
ROGER<br />
You have to free yourself up, man. You’ve got to live a little. Otherwise, you won’t look back with fond memories.
MAXIM<br />
How many women have you slept with?
ROGER<br />
I don’t know.
MAXIM<br />
It’s okay, I’m not gonna’ get mad or laugh or anything, I just want to know.
ROGER<br />
I don’t need a lecture, Max.
MAXIM<br />
I promise, no lecture. I just need to know.
ROGER<br />
Two hundred and seventy-six.
MAXIM<br />
(''Pause. Maxim cannot help himself and a laugh explode.'')
That’s fucking ridiculous! Why hasn’t your you know what fallen off?!

. . .
. . .
