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The Mailer Review/Volume 3, 2009/Norman’s Crystals: Difference between revisions

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commitment to this project. Johnson once said to Boswell, “Why do you
commitment to this project. Johnson once said to Boswell, “Why do you
write down my sayings?”
write down my sayings?”
There is history in every crevice of the East End neighborhood; the fellows live nearby in a large house divided into condominiums with glimpses
of the sun-spanked bay. In the backyard of their house, a used car, bought for
summer use, died before a Labor Day in the late sixties, and people gathered around a hole dug in the ground by a bulldozer. The lapsed automobile was interred vertically with its windshield skyward. Norman was writing
Of a Fire on the Moon, and wandered out from his studio on this sunny afternoon to witness the strange religious ceremony that he wrote about in the
chapter titled “Burial by the Sea.”
