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Norman Mailer Society/Conference/2004

From Project Mailer

2nd Annual Norman Mailer Society Conference
November 12-14, 2004, Provincetown, MA

The 2004 Norman Mailer Society Meeting / Conference to be held in Provincetown, Massachusetts on November 12 and 13 is fast approaching. To mark the 20th Anniversary of Tough Guys Don't Dance and the 25th Anniversary of The Executioner's Song, discussions of these two books will be the heart of the conference. Mr. Lawrence Schiller, who collaborated with Mr. Mailer on The Executioner's Song, has agreed to speak and answer questions about how he and Mailer conducted the interviews and research for Pulitzer-Prize winning narrative and about his personal interviews with Gary Gilmore. Because Tough Guys Don't Dance is set in Provincetown, there will be an exhibit of materials associated with the novel and the subsequent film at the Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum (and a free cocktail reception for Society members). There will be a showing of the film on Friday, November 12th as well. On Saturday evening, Mr. Mailer will give a reading, and attend the reception that will follow. As you can see, it will be an ever-memorable conference.

Please be reminded that only 2004 Members of the Society can attend the 2004 Meeting / Conference and Mr. Mailer's reading on Saturday evening. Also included as Attachments are a 2004 NMS Conference Registration Form and information about reserving a room at the Provincetown Inn, where the Meeting / Conference will be conducted. Those registering before October 1 need only pay $80 per person. It will be $100 per person after October 1. Please send in your dues and registration in a timely way so that we can make plans.


Friday, Nov. 12 , 8 p.m.

Screening of “Tough Guys Don’t Dance,” Place TBA;

Introduction: Barry H. Leeds

Saturday, Nov. 13, 8:30-9:30

Conference Registration, Provincetown Inn Lobby
1 Commercial Street


Business Meeting, Provincetown Inn, room TBA




Mailer and Provincetown: Two Perspectives

J. Michael Lennon and Robert F. Lucid
Provincetown Inn, Room TBA




Luncheon, Provincetown Inn Dining Room

“Mailer’s Political Vision,” Hon Neil Abercrombie


Travel Break


“The Making of The Executioner’s Song”

Lawrence Schiller
Introduction: Philip Bufithis
Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center, 24 Pearl Street


Travel Break


Cocktail Reception and Norman Mailer Exhibit
Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum, High Pole Road
Exhibit Presentation: Jeffory Morris


Dinner on your own (restaurant list provided)


A Dramatic Reading from Tough Guys Don’t Dance

John Buffalo Mailer and Norman Mailer
Provincetown Theater, 238 Bradford Street


Reception, place TBA

Sunday, Nov. 14

8:30 a.m.

Informal breakfast, Michael Shay’s Restaurant, 350 Bradford Street