Mrs. Jose Casanova, June 2, 1964

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142 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn 1, New York
June 2, 1964

Dear Mrs. Casanova,[1]

I’m finishing the novel now,[2] so this will excuse, I hope, the briefness of this note, and also will give you in some forty-five or fifty days the opportunity to read the rest of the book, and tell me whether you think it comes together as a novel with overall meaning, or is just an elongated jeu des mots. Please give me your reactions to it.

Yours sincerely,
This page is part of
An American Dream Expanded.


  1. Mrs. Casanova was a Mailer fan.
  2. For the length of his career, he has faithfully answered serious letters from admirers. He was late with the long last installment of 19,972 words, which was due at the end of the third week of May for Esquire’s August issue, but turned it in shortly after this letter. Esquire had held the presses and saved space for the eighth installment, but it was so long that the second half had to be set in smaller type.