The Mailer Review/Volume 13, 2019/“Her Problems Were Everyone’s Problems”: Self and Gender in The Deer Park: Difference between revisions

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Although Eitel is a man “with considerable masculinity of mind,” his masculine mindset seems to be powerless in front of Elena. He begins to change with his love affair with Elena. To him, Elena has something that other women always lack, just as he believes, “not too many women really knew how to make love, and very few indeed loved to make love”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=89}}, but “Elena was doubly and indubitably a find.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=90}} He learns something about Elena from the way she makes love, for he “always felt that the way a woman made love was as good a guide to understanding her character as any other way.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=90}} Believing that “to be a good lover, one should be incapable of falling in love”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=90}}, Eitel “usually wanted nothing more than to quit a woman once they were done.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=91}} However, when it comes to Elena, he no longer believes what he used to believe because “he not only wished to sleep the night with Elena but to hold her in his arms.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=91}} Elena makes Eitel realize that “he had never been with anyone who understood him so well”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=96}} and therefore he believes that Elena is “the best woman” he has ever had.{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=97}} Consequently, he believes that his affair with Elena “could return his energy, flesh his courage, and make him the man he had once believed himself to be.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=96}} He also believes that he and Elena each “could make something of the other.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=96}} After the affair, “he felt full of tenderness for Elena” and “through the day he toyed with the thought that she should come to live with him.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=96}} But unlike what Eitel expects, Elena does not want to live with him because she does not want to lose her freedom and selfhood she has just achieved, as she tells him, “You can do what you want, and I’ll do what I want.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=98}} When Eitel becomes furious with her for her affair with Marion Faye, Elena refuses to surrender to his criticism; instead, she is very defiant, saying that “I’ll go if you want me to go” and that “I think we’d better quit now, you and me.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=101}} Feeling that Eitel has treated her as “a game,” Elena says defiantly to him, “When a woman’s unfaithful, she’s more attractive to a man.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=101}} Elena does not believe that Eitel loves her, but when she finds that he really does love her, she says with final abandon, “Nobody ever treated me the way you do. I love you more than I ever loved anyone.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=102}} However, when living with Eitel, Elena seems to have lost her selfhood completely once again, as the narrator states, “in the first few weeks of living together, Elena’s eyes never left Eitel’s face; her mood was the clue to his temper; if she was gay it meant he was happy; if Eitel was moody, it left her morose. No one else existed for her.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=104}} That, however, does not mean that she is quite sure of Eitel’s feeling towards her. On the contrary, she is always doubtful. Once she says to Eitel, “You think I’m not good enough for you. . . You tell me I don’t love you because you don’t love me. It’s all right. I’ll leave.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=108}} After Eitel confirms his love for her, she becomes calm and says, “Oh, Charley, when you make love to me, everything is all right again. Is it really the same with you?”.{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=147}} Another time, she says to him calmly, “I could be happy with somebody else . . . I’m going to leave you some day, Charley, I mean it.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=152}} Still another time, she even says to Eitel, much like an order, “Love me, really love me, and maybe I can do what you want.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=160}} Eitel comes to feel somewhat fed up with Elena and appears to be pleased when she tells him that Marion wants her to live with him because he knows if someone else cares for her, “his own responsibility was less.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=163}} Although he believes that Elena is “the most honest woman I’ve ever known”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=163}}, Eitel finds that “the time had come to decide how he would break up with her.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=178}}
Although Eitel is a man “with considerable masculinity of mind,” his masculine mindset seems to be powerless in front of Elena. He begins to change with his love affair with Elena. To him, Elena has something that other women always lack, just as he believes, “not too many women really knew how to make love, and very few indeed loved to make love”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=89}}, but “Elena was doubly and indubitably a find.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=90}} He learns something about Elena from the way she makes love, for he “always felt that the way a woman made love was as good a guide to understanding her character as any other way.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=90}} Believing that “to be a good lover, one should be incapable of falling in love”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=90}}, Eitel “usually wanted nothing more than to quit a woman once they were done.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=91}} However, when it comes to Elena, he no longer believes what he used to believe because “he not only wished to sleep the night with Elena but to hold her in his arms.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=91}} Elena makes Eitel realize that “he had never been with anyone who understood him so well”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=96}} and therefore he believes that Elena is “the best woman” he has ever had.{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=97}} Consequently, he believes that his affair with Elena “could return his energy, flesh his courage, and make him the man he had once believed himself to be.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=96}} He also believes that he and Elena each “could make something of the other.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=96}} After the affair, “he felt full of tenderness for Elena” and “through the day he toyed with the thought that she should come to live with him.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=96}} But unlike what Eitel expects, Elena does not want to live with him because she does not want to lose her freedom and selfhood she has just achieved, as she tells him, “You can do what you want, and I’ll do what I want.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=98}} When Eitel becomes furious with her for her affair with Marion Faye, Elena refuses to surrender to his criticism; instead, she is very defiant, saying that “I’ll go if you want me to go” and that “I think we’d better quit now, you and me.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=101}} Feeling that Eitel has treated her as “a game,” Elena says defiantly to him, “When a woman’s unfaithful, she’s more attractive to a man.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=101}} Elena does not believe that Eitel loves her, but when she finds that he really does love her, she says with final abandon, “Nobody ever treated me the way you do. I love you more than I ever loved anyone.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=102}} However, when living with Eitel, Elena seems to have lost her selfhood completely once again, as the narrator states, “in the first few weeks of living together, Elena’s eyes never left Eitel’s face; her mood was the clue to his temper; if she was gay it meant he was happy; if Eitel was moody, it left her morose. No one else existed for her.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=104}} That, however, does not mean that she is quite sure of Eitel’s feeling towards her. On the contrary, she is always doubtful. Once she says to Eitel, “You think I’m not good enough for you. . . You tell me I don’t love you because you don’t love me. It’s all right. I’ll leave.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=108}} After Eitel confirms his love for her, she becomes calm and says, “Oh, Charley, when you make love to me, everything is all right again. Is it really the same with you?”.{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=147}} Another time, she says to him calmly, “I could be happy with somebody else . . . I’m going to leave you some day, Charley, I mean it.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=152}} Still another time, she even says to Eitel, much like an order, “Love me, really love me, and maybe I can do what you want.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=160}} Eitel comes to feel somewhat fed up with Elena and appears to be pleased when she tells him that Marion wants her to live with him because he knows if someone else cares for her, “his own responsibility was less.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=163}} Although he believes that Elena is “the most honest woman I’ve ever known”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=163}}, Eitel finds that “the time had come to decide how he would break up with her.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=178}}
Eitel wants to break up with Elena because he does not see her as his equal. He sees himself as a second-rate man and Elena as a fifth-rate woman and he does not believe it is logical for a second-rate man to seek out a fifth-rate woman because a second-rate man should seek out a second-rate woman.{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=179}} And yet, he is not able to make himself desert his principle of caste. Although “he had come to resent the attraction of their love-making,” he never really wants to separate himself from Elena, and therefore, rather than resent her, more often than not, “he enjoyed her as much as ever, and in his sleep, he would sometimes be aware that he was holding her and whispering love-words to her ear.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=179}} On the other hand, he seems to be troubled by a dilemma because his love for Elena seems to have prevented him from pursuing the freedom of his own. He knows that “the unspoken purpose of freedom was to find love, yet when love was found one could only desire freedom again.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=180}} Now that he has found love in Elena, it is natural that he has a strong desire for “an affair with a woman for whom he cared nothing, an affair simply exciting, exciting as the pages of a pornographic text where one could read in safety and not grudge every emotion the woman felt for another man,” but his desire can never be satisfied because “he was locked in Elena’s love”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=180}}, and it seems that he will never be able to unlock that lock because the longer they live together, the more doubtful Elena will become of Eitel’s love for her. Her very doubtfulness suggests that she loves and values him so much that she is very fearful of losing him because she is very fearful of being alone and lonely, but then, she does not want to lose herself completely to him, as she once says to Eitel, “You’re a good-time Charley. You only like me when I’m in a good mood [. . .] When I say nice things, then you love me. . . You’re so superior. But you don’t know what goes on in my mind.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=210}} Obviously, Eitel does not know what goes on in Elena’s mind, so, sometime later, she tells him that she wants to leave him to become a nun because “a nun is never alone” and “nuns always have company.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=210}} Eitel takes it as his fault that Elena should have such an idea because she chooses to live with him and fully loves him, but he gives her “nothing but loneliness” and therefore it is he who “ruined everything he touched.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=210}}

. . .
Despite Eitel’s confession that “he ruined everything he touched,” Elena does not believe that he is really honest. When he tells her, “You must know that I care about you. I can’t stand the thought of hurting you. I mean, I want you always to be happy”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=225}},she does not believe what he says. When Eitel seriously says to her, “I want us to be married,” Elena just simply replies, “What I thought is that we could go on like this.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=225}} When he once again says to her, “You have to marry me,” she tells him once again, “When you don’t want me, I’ll go. But I don’t want to talk about it any more.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=226}} Elena’s uncompromising refusal to cooperate and comply with Eitel suggests that she minds not only his love for her but also his respect for her. She wants to love and be loved deeply by Eitel, but she does not want to be controlled and manipulated fully by him. On the other hand, Eitel does not want to be controlled and directed by Elena. Although “he loved her as he had never loved anyone,” Eitel is afraid of his love for her because “if he stayed with her, he would be obliged to travel in ''her'' directions.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=226}} Although “he loved her as he had never loved anyone,” Eitel does not want himself to be locked by his love for Elena. He needs love, but he desires
freedom even more. His love for Elena seems to be quite abnormal because “it was only after quarrels and crises that he could feel love for Elena the way he desired.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=259}} However much he loves her, “he hated her” because “it was impossible not to remember how she had given herself to others.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=259}} Although he says love words to her more than once, he does not truly love her, just as the narrator says, “they had been tender to each other, they had forgiven one another, and yet he did not love her, she did not love him, no
one ever love anyone.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=260}} Caught between to love and love not, and between love and hate, Eitel wants to finish his affair with Elena because he
feels that “neither he nor she had been able to make the happiness they
should have made.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=262}} When he decides to tell Elena his decision to end
their relationship, he finds that she has already been prepared for it, as she
says, “You want me to go away. All right, I will.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=262}} She even tells Eitel,
“Maybe I’ll become a prostitute. Don’t worry. I’m not trying to make you feel
sorry. You think I’m a prostitute anyway, so how could you feel sorry? In fact
you always thought of me as a prostitute, but you don’t know what I think
of you. You think I can’t live without you. Maybe I know better.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=264}} Elena’s
words clearly show that she sees herself as an independent woman rather
than a woman who would like to depend on men for a living. That is the
reason why she does not hesitate to choose to leave Eitel after she quarrels
with him. It might never occur to Eitel that Elena can really leave him. After
Elena leaves, Eitel “sat down and began to wait for her telephone call” because he believes that “she would phone,” but no telephone call came to him
after “an hour went by, and then the afternoon, and much of the night,” and
he can do nothing but “sighed to himself, not knowing if he were relieved
that he was free, or if he were more miserable than he had ever been.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=264}}
After leaving Eitel, Elena comes to Marion O’Faye, but her life with him
turns out not to be so happy as she has expected. So, not long afterwards, she
begins to regret for her leaving Eitel for Marion, and due to that, she writes
Eitel a long letter, in which she confides to him:
{{quote|I hate the kind of thing that happens to women where they go out with a man maybe two or three times and immediately they’re forced to start thinking about marriage. That’s how my mother got married and a lot of my sisters and what a drudgery sort of life they have, everybody’s so afraid to live. I am, too, and it’s silly. Once I remember I had a girl friend and she had a steady boy friend and I used to fall into a thing with the two of them on a Saturday night [. . .] the three of us liked each other like good friends and I almost never felt lowdown about it [. . .] the girl liked me so much and nobody was asking anybody else to solve their whole life for them. But that’s what you were asking me and what I was asking you and ''I resented it as much as you did''.{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=275}} }}
Elena’s letter to Eitel, from which the above quotation comes, is intended to
express her introspective guilt for Eitel. Covering more than seven and a half
pages, it is really a long letter, but what this long letter actually represents is
by no means a pure confession of Elena’s guilt for Eitel but a clear demonstration of her view of love and marriage and of how a woman should live
her life as well. From the above quotation, we can clearly see that Elena is a
woman who is deeply concerned with issues highly relevant to her life in
particular and the lives of men and women in general, such as love and marriage. To her, love and marriage should not lays restraints upon those who
are in love or marriage. She obviously believes that love and marriage are
something that should be taken seriously before one falls in love with somebody or gets married and, therefore, it is wrong for a woman to fall in love
with some man hastily and even hurry to get married to him. She pities her
mother and sisters for the way they get married, but, unfortunately, she
comes to follow their suit, hastily giving herself to Marion, a notorious pimp.
Although she quarrels and fights with Eitel, Elena knows that Eitel has never
seen her as a prostitute, as Marion always does. In Marion’s eyes, Elena is
“the kind of girl you could wipe your hands on.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=163}} In the letter she writes
to Eitel after she has left him, Elena remarks of Marion, “I keep asking him
to make me a call-girl and he says no, he says he wants to marry me and
then I can become a call-girl. I suppose he wants to be a champion pimp.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=277}} This shows that, unlike Eitel, who asks Elena to marry him because he
really loves her and wants to have her as his wife, Marion asks Elena to marry
him for no other reason than turning her into a prostitute because he has
never really loved her. He has never been free from nightmares since Elena
comes to live with him because he is not able to rid himself of “the idea that
she was his nun and he would transmute her into a witch.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=288}} Accordingly,
in the few weeks they live together, Elena “passed from gaiety to high excitement to illness to depression and back to the liquor again.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=290}} Although “she felt free with him”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=290}}, Elena is not able to develop “a decent
healthy mature relationship”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=50}} with Marion. Unlike Eitel who might appreciate Elena’s dependence on his promise, Marion “could even grieve for
her since she did not realize how much she depended on his promise.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=292}} When she swears that she will leave him “in a day or two”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=298}}, Marion has
no objection because that’s exactly what he really expects her to do. We might
feel sorry for Elena because she never knows why Marion does not love her
and she never understands the way he treats her. Even at the last moment of
her being with him, she does not forget to ask him, “Why didn’t you like me
a little? Why didn’t you know you could have loved me?” {{sfn|Radford|1975|p=300}}
It might be wrong to blame Marion for the car accident that happens
when he drives Elena to the airport, but it is good in that the accident puts
him under the police guard and Elena back to Eitel. Her meeting with Eitel
at the hospital after the car accident is really a very moving one because it
causes both of them to change fundamentally. Eitel makes up his mind to
take care of Elena and Elena decides to marry Eitel. Not only does she decide
to marry Eitel, she decides to change herself as well, as she tells him, “Marry
me, oh, Charley, please marry me. This time I’ll learn. I promise I will.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=303}}
After Elena leaves the hospital, Eitel meets her desire to marry him because
he believes “if he did not marry her he could never forget that he had once
made her happy and now she had nothing but her hospital bed.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=303}} It
seems that Eitel marries Elena out of compassion and responsibility, but the
marriage changes Elena to no small extent. She comes to learn to love her
husband and children and can manage to be on good terms with her family servants. It seems that she gets herself out of trouble and has a happy life
because she has successfully developed “a decent healthy mature relationship”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=50}} with Eitel, but the fact is that she does not feel really happy, for she
gradually finds that she still has some problems she does not know how to
solve because she finds that, whatever she does, she always ends up doing
what Eitel wants her to do or expects her to do, as she tells him:
{{quote|We have the baby, and we’ll probably have another baby, and I have good relations with the servants and I do love the dancing lessons, and Charley, I love you, I can tell because I still get sacred at the thought of losing you, but Charley, listen to me, I don’t know if you understand how much I love Vickie, I keep worrying that I won’t be a good enough mother to him, but is that enough? Is Vickie enough? I mean where do I go? I don’t want to complain, but what am I going to do with my life?{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=324}} }}
To Elena’s problem, Eitel does respond, but his response is just a few comforting words because he does not really know how to solve it. He tries his
best to comfort her by saying that she has grown so much that there will be
no need for him to worry about her anymore, and whatever she does, she
is surely going to be better and better. But Eitel knows that however he tries
to comfort Elena, he is not able to satisfy her because “she had come now
into that domain where her problems were everybody’s problems.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=325}}
Eitel is not able to solve Elena’s problems because he does not really know
what one should ever do with his/her own life. If a husband can go to the
comfort of his family that always does what he wants after a day of business
outside home and go outside to do what he wants after a night of comfort
at home, where can a wife go after a busy day of doing housework and taking care of her husband and children inside home? Eitel does not really know
how to solve Elena’s problems because he realizes that her problems are
somewhat, and indeed to a large extent, also his problems. He knows that
unless she knows what she can do with her own life, she “would grow away
from him”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=325}} because she will not “be forced to stay out of kindness and
loyalty and boredom.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=325}} Elena’s problems suggest that although she can
manage to have “a decent healthy mature relationship”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=50}} with her husband after marriage, she is not able to have her selfhood when she is a wife
and mother. It seems impossible for her to have both at the same time, and,
therefore, she has to choose one and abandon the other; that is to say, to
have her selfhood, as she does when she lives with Eitel and then with Marion as lovers, she can only choose not to have a “happy” marriage and family. That is a contradiction she is not able to solve. She does not like the kind
of relationship between her and Eitel and then between her and Marion as
lovers, nor is she satisfied with her relationship with Eitel as wife and husband. She is puzzled, and her puzzlement is, to some extent, the puzzlement
of every woman because Lulu Meyers is also puzzled with a similar puzzle-ment.
Lulu is an actress. She first gets married to Eitel. Their marriage is, as Eitel
describes, “the meeting on zero and zero”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=31}}, and therefore, it soon comes
to an end. She then meets Sergius and falls in love with him. To Sergius, Lulu
is quite different from any girl he has known, just as he remarks, “I had never
known a girl like Lulu, nor had I ever been in such a romance”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=113}} because
she appears incomprehensibly mysterious and always changes so quickly
that he is not sure whether they are “in love or about to break up,” whether they will “make love or fight, do both or do nothing at all.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=113}} Besides, she
is too much self-centered. Sometimes, she wants Sergius to leave her alone,
and other times, she will not let him quit her for a moment. He has no choice
but “to follow every impulse” of hers.{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=114}} However different and self-centered Lulu is, Sergius does not feel unhappy when being together with her,
just as he says, “We were great lovers . . . I was superb. She was superb . . .We
played our games. I was the photographer, and she was the model; she was
the movie star and I was the bellhop; she did the queen, I was slave. We even
met even to even.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=120}} It seems that they are in a fully harmonious relationship, but beneath it lies great disharmony. When Lulu suggests that they
get married, the thought of marriage makes Sergius “badly depressed”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=124}}
because he believes that Lulu’s self-centeredness will turn him into “Mr. Meyers, a sort of fancy longshoreman scared of his wife, always busy mixing
drinks for Lulu and the guests.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=124}} He wants to be Mr. Sergius rather than
Mr. Meyers. He dislikes talking about marriage because it means “death of
enjoyment” for him. He does not want to marry Lulu because they are having more and more quarrels than harmony between them, just as he says,
“Lulu and I had come to the point where we fought more often than not, and
the fights had taken on some bitterness. There were times when I was sure
we had to break up, and I would look forward with a sort of self-satisfied
melancholy to the time when I would be free.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=124}} Each of them “looked
forward to the separation”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=125}}, but, when separated, they have a strong desire to be together and an equally strong desire for love from each other, just
as Sergius says, “Once she was gone, I could not get myself together . . .While
she was gone, we were always on the phone. I called her up to tell her I loved
her, she called me back half an hour later and we had the same conversation
again. So, like the old gypsies who make a sign a hundred times a day, we
swore we loved each other.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=125}}
The separation, however, has very much changed Sergius. He begins to realize that there will be no love without weakness and that he should have
loved Lulu and married her. However, somewhat to his surprise, when he
proposes marriage with her, she refuses his proposal. Although their lovemaking makes Lulu “feel like a woman for the first time”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=203}} and makes
them really love each other, just as Sergius says, “I loved her and I think she
loved me”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=203}}, Lulu does not let herself turn into Mrs. Sergius; instead,
she leaves Sergius and gets married to Tony Tanner to continue her pursuit
of selfhood and happiness.
In a sense, Lulu’s marriage with Tanner is the result of her rebellion
against Herman Teppis, her superior, under whose leadership she works as
an actress, because he wants and even demands her to marry Teddy Pope, a
homosexual she does not love at all. Getting married to Tanner is Lulu’s own
choice. It is an indication of her pursuit of selfhood and happiness, but it
turns out to be a wrong choice. Although she says her marriage with Tanner
is based on her understanding of him, it turns out that she does not really
understand him. Although she believes she will be happy in her defiance of
Herman Teppis’ will, Lulu’s marriage to Tanner does not go according to
plan. She comes to realize her error, because she feels that Tanner is not the
proper man to be her husband. She regrets that she has been married to him.
Probably due to her regret, during her marriage with Tanner, Lulu has a love
affair with Eitel, who, she believes, is her “big love.”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=321}} It seems that Lulu
is capable of choosing her own love and marriage and retaining her selfhood; she, however, does not really know why she is not able to be really
happy after she is married, and, therefore, is not what she really wants to be.
Looking back at the love and marriage experiences of Dorothea, Elena
and Lulu, three major female characters in ''The Deer Park'', we find that they
illustrate three alternatives of women in their pursuit of selfhood and happiness in love and marriage, but none of them seems to be an ideal persona.
Dorothea chooses to cohabit with Martin Pelly, a man who is much inferior
to her, and thereby keeps her selfhood in the end; she loses her selfhood but
comes to regain it. Elena chooses to get married to the man she really loves,
bears children and lives as a good wife and mother; she keeps her selfhood
but then loses it. Lulu chooses to get married to the man she does not really
love in defiance of the authority imposed upon her and lives an unhappy
life in a childless marriage; she keeps seeking her selfhood but fails to achieve
it. Their experiences lead us to wonder: What should a woman do if she
wants to have both her selfhood and happiness and “a decent healthy mature
relationship”{{sfn|Radford|1975|p=50}} with a man, whether lover or husband, at the same time?
What could make an ideal relationship between a man and a woman? Should
they live, when they live together, like soul mates, or brother and sister, or
husband and wife, or lovers? These are the problems, that the novel suggests,
and they are the very problems that Elena confronts and does not know how
to solve. Elena’s problems are “everybody’s problems.”
