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{{byline |last=Grobel |first=Lawrence |abstract=A veteran interviewer of several decades explores a range of issues in his interview with Norman Mailer, including morality, personal development, the experience of being a writer, the challenges of success, fiction vs. nonfiction, American writers, and a number of other topics. |note=This interview originally appeared in ''Endangered Species: Writers Talk About Their Craft, Their Visions, Their Lives'' (Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2001). |url=https://prmlr.us/mr08grob}}
{{byline |last=Grobel |first=Lawrence |abstract=A veteran interviewer of several decades explores a range of issues in his interview with Norman Mailer, including morality, personal development, the experience of being a writer, the challenges of success, fiction vs. nonfiction, American writers, and a number of other topics. |note=This interview originally appeared in ''Endangered Species: Writers Talk About Their Craft, Their Visions, Their Lives'' (Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2001). |url=https://prmlr.us/mr08grob}}
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'''Mailer''': No, not always. It wasn’t lightly with Vidal that time. But it’s always fair for one writer to butt another in the head. Writers have hard heads. The hardest heads you’ll ever encounter will be a writer’s head. It’s just like an erect phallus. All there.
'''Mailer''': No, not always. It wasn’t lightly with Vidal that time. But it’s always fair for one writer to butt another in the head. Writers have hard heads. The hardest heads you’ll ever encounter will be a writer’s head. It’s just like an erect phallus. All there.

. . .
'''Grobel''': During the making of your film ''[[w:Maidstone (film)|Maidstone]]'', you punched out a young actor and bit open [[w:Rip Torn|Rip Torn]]’s ear. Are you aware of what you’re doing at such times?
'''Mailer''': No, it’s just all-fanciful, like a dream. [''Laughs'']
'''Grobel''': Were you trying to put yourself in a situation where Rip Torn might kill you on camera? Were you in that kind of frame of mind?
'''Mailer''': We don’t have enough time to talk about the making of ''Maidstone''. A comparatively complex set of notions went into it.
'''Grobel''': Then let me ask you, why are violent men always religious?
'''Mailer''': I don’t know if they’re always religious, but they tend to be. Violence is one of the existential states. So very often in a violent act you don’t know how it’s going to turn out. It’s different from the way that it seems in the movies or in books. It’s indefinable. Anyone who’s been in an automobile accident knows how the moments before the accident have some exceptional time changes. I once got hit by a car many years ago and it was an extraordinary experience. I bounced off a couple of rocks and ended up wrapped around a tree, but it all took place very slowly.
'''Grobel''': Were you knocked unconscious?
'''Mailer''': No, but it was odd. It was a sports car, and it just bruised my hip. But it’s just so different from the normal and the given that it leaves you with an echo that has a touch of the cosmos in it.
'''Grobel''': For decades you’ve been pushing violence as existential, hip, and heroic. Is the criminal, in your mind, the true artist?
'''Mailer''': No, most criminals are not very interesting guys.
'''Grobel''': You once told [[w:Mike Wallace|Mike Wallace]] that violence and creativity have a twin-like relation. Do you still believe that?
'''Mailer''': I think it’s still true. That’s part of the problem: if you cut all the violence out of society, you also cut out all the creativity. In fact, that’s just what we’re doing now: working for a law and order society that will not have any violence in the streets. At the same time things are getting less and less creative. I’ve never taken myself so seriously as to speak of Mailer’s Law of this or that, but I finally have one. It’s Mailer’s Law of Architectural Precedence in American Universities. Go to any university in the country and you have no problem determining the order in which the buildings were erected on that campus. The more atrocious the architecture, the newer the building. If the building next to you is less atrocious than the one you’re in, it was built before. The oldest building on the campus is invariably the nicest. That says something about creativity going out of life. It also says something about violence going out of life, because there’s a tendency in American life to become more and more safe.
'''Grobel''': Do you think American life is safer now than in the past?
'''Mailer''': No, of course not. Because it can’t be done. It’s a vain, false enterprise. A pious enterprise. We’re doing it as a cover, which politicians talk about all the time, in their efforts to legislate it. Concomitant with the growth of technology there’s a sort of spiritual software that accompanies technology, and that is control over our lives. You push a button delicately here and a button delicately there to adjust the situation. Those people detest violence because they keep breaking up the patterns, and the control. More than half the people in this country opt completely for control of their lives. What they don’t control is their death, and that drives ’em right up the wall. One big reason why I’m so obsessed with Egypt and decided to write ''Ancient Evenings'' is precisely that I wanted to write about a culture that gave great preface to death, that lived for it, prepared for it, dwelt within it, in which virtually all of one’s acts in one’s life were steered toward one’s death. It seemed to me that this is much more profound than what we have now. That’s why people have such extraordinary reactions to ''Ancient Evenings'', they love it or they detest it. Because people, without exception, who hate it are people who love a lot of control and high tech in their lives and don’t like to talk or think about death.
'''Grobel''': In ''Ancient Evenings'' you’ve written that none fear death more than the most clever of the scribes. Being the most clever of scribes, do you fear death?
'''Mailer''': I’m not the most clever of the scribes at all. I don’t consider myself clever. I consider myself rather dumb, simpleminded, when it comes to cleverness.
'''Grobel''': In other words, you don’t fear death?
'''Mailer''': No, not particularly.
'''Grobel''': Have you ever envisioned your own death?
'''Mailer''': No, I don’t think about it a great deal, because the one thing I’m sure of is that it won’t be what I’m expecting. I’m not much on Hindu philosophy, but there’s one notion from the Hindus I do like a great deal: never worry about something you can’t effect.
'''Grobel''': Do you still reflect much on the horror of modern life?
'''Mailer''': We’re in danger of a nuclear war until we get to a point where the sustenance of existence is almost entirely leeched out. About the time that we live with too many people on earth, all living in high-rise buildings, all utterly colorless, dull, and oppressive, and every building put up is as ugly as the one before, and when we drive we breathe nothing but polluted fumes on superhighways and there’s smog everywhere, and all the palm trees are wilted as they are in Mexico City, and the rivers are filthy, and everything is flat an dull, and sex is merely an extension of herpes, etc., etc., and people are dying of AIDS all over the place—at that point, the nuclear bomb is going to seem welcome to people. Because at least it’ll be their last shot at transcendence. We’ll all go up together in that great white light. And at that point, we’re in danger.
'''Grobel''': Is this your vision of the future?
'''Mailer''': No, it’s a possible vision of the future. I don’t think it’s that automatic. If it were, why would I bother to talk about these matters?
'''Grobel''': You’ve predicted an extraordinary holocaust where we may all die off in a mysterious fashion.
'''Mailer''': I meant that metaphorically. One doesn’t want to be prophetic about these matters at all. We have intimations of such horror with AIDS, for instance, where people are dying because their immunological faculties are atrophying or not functioning.
'''Grobel''': You’ve used the metaphor of cancer to describe our nation. Are we a cancerous nation?
'''Mailer''': Things are going to have to happen. There are going to have to be positive ideas emerging. I can offer you a simple few. One of my most fundamental beliefs is that the government has the right to tax people, but we have a right to say what we’re taxed on. I’d like to see all sorts of referendums. I’d love to lead the crusade to tax the hell out of plastic. It would make it too expensive for them to make that crap any more. So it would tend to disappear. Where plastic was indispensable it would still remain, because people would just pay the tax on it. If the only decent fishing rods or skis would be made out of plastic, we can pay a little more.
Another thing I’d absolutely be for is, we’re just surrounded with meretriciousness and mendacity in every aspect of our immediate life. So I’d opt for taking away the tax deduction from advertising and let those businesses that need to advertise pay for the privilege, because what they’re selling is not their product but a pile of horseshit. They’re attaching values that have nothing to do with the product. It’s attached to the entertainment that they give you on TV, which is mediocre entertainment at best. So why should that go into the price of a product? Why do we need to have the three major automobile manufacturers all advertising like crazy when we know they’re all equally mediocre? Does it really matter? Is there any American who doesn’t know that Ford, Chrysler and General Motors products are all on the same level every year? That finally you’re gonna pick it for the paint job? Why do you have to have a helicopter drop a car on top of a mountain peak? The millions that are spent on that, for what? To increase the price of the product? So, take away the tax deductions in advertising. You say that’ll put a lot of people out of work? Well, great. They’ll have to scuffle.
'''Grobel''': Are these among the stupid people?
'''Mailer''': I wouldn’t say the media people are the stupid people, they’re the clever people. It’ll be hard times for a few of the clever people.
'''Grobel''': Regarding yourself, you said you might be one of the most wicked spirits in American life today. Are you?
'''Mailer''': I was preening. That day I had feathers and I was fluffin’ ’em.
'''Grobel''': [[w:Oriana Fallaci|Oriana Fallaci]] wrote that the taint of insanity has been following you for years. Is there any truth in that?
'''Mailer''': No, but that’s Oriana Fallaci, making a story.
'''Grobel''': In 1942 you worked for a while in a state mental institution in Boston. Some years later, after you stabbed your second wife, you wound up in a mental institution in Bellevue for a while. Did you feel in any way that you
came full circle from that experience?
'''Mailer''': No. I mean, I thought of it. Once could not think of the fact that one worked in a mental hospital earlier on the other side, as an attendant. That may have been of some help for me to get out of that place after seventeen days.
'''Grobel''': Because?
'''Mailer''': When I worked as an attendant, I learned one thing: don’t make the guards pay attention to you. The less attention the guards pay to you, the better your chances of getting out are.
'''Grobel''': Were you crazy at that time?
'''Mailer''': Let’s say I was highly strung and let it go at that.
'''Grobel''': I don’t think you’re going to answer me, but why did you stab your wife?
'''Mailer''': You made your try. Why do you want to get into something that personal?
'''Grobel''': It’s a subject that you really haven’t discussed, except in a poem you wrote, where you said, “So long as you use the knife ...”
'''Mailer''': A knife.
'''Grobel''': “... a knife, there’s some love left.”
'''Mailer''': The poem was written after the fact.
'''Grobel''': I know it was.
'''Mailer''': It’s not a lively topic of conversation for me.
'''Grobel''': The doctor who treated your wife, [[w:Adele Morales|Adele]], said you were having an acute paranoid breakdown with delusional thinking and that you were both homicidal and suicidal.
'''Mailer''': Well, since I didn’t kill anybody after that and I didn’t commit suicide nor have a mental breakdown, my guess is that he wasn’t too accurate.
'''Grobel''': But you later wrote that had you not done that act you might have been dead in a few years yourself.
'''Mailer''': Yes.
'''Grobel''': Have you ever contemplated suicide?
'''Mailer''': No, I never have.
'''Grobel''': When a movie is made of your life, whom would you like to play you?
'''Mailer''': Larry Grobel.
'''Grobel''': You’re getting angry with me now.
'''Mailer''': No. Edgy.
'''Grobel''': Okay. You blamed early success as the reason for the breakup of your first marriage ....
'''Mailer''': I’m not getting angry, I’m getting offended. You want to discuss my life. I’m not going to give away my life. My life is my material. I would give you my life no more than I would give you my mate. That belongs to me, not to an interviewer.
'''Grobel''': Let’s stay then with your work. What you do is often based on your need for money. The need for money is because you have to support a number of ex-wives. [[w:Germaine Greer|Germaine Greer]] called you an alimony slave.
'''Mailer''': I wonder how Germaine Greer came up with that? That was one of her bright days, huh?
'''Grobel''': Have your marriages influenced your career?
'''Mailer''': Of course they have. A marriage is a culture.
'''Grobel''': You’ve said that there isn’t a man alive who doesn’t have a profound animosity for women.
'''Mailer''': I also don’t think there’s a woman alive who doesn’t have a profound animosity for men. But that’s half of it. I would continue that remark by saying that there’s not a man alive who doesn’t have a profound need and love for women. That’s part of the human condition. One of my favorite remarks is that the only time you ever do anything with great energy is when the best and worst motives in you are both involved at the same time. Or let’s say the most love-filled and the most hate-filled motives reengaged at the same moment. Lust is a perfect example of that. When one feels and makes lust for a woman, it’s precisely because the love we feel for her and the hate we feel for her at both being fully expressed. And those would-be sexual relations really come from just one side or another of oneself being expressed.
'''Grobel''': Do you regret saying on TV in the early seventies that women should be kept in cages?
Mailer: I said it in jest on a show with [[w:Orson Welles|Orson Welles]]. One of the troubles with the media is that they are horrendously humorless. They might as well be human walking computers, because whatever you say, it’s always assumed that you said it in a deadly earnest voice. We were chatting. He said, “Norman, you wrote recently that women are low, sloppy beasts.” This was all pre-[[w:Women's liberation movement|woman’s lib]]. And I said, “The rest of that quote is that they’re goddesses.” What I was trying to get into was the fundamental male viewpoint towards women: on the one hand we see them as goddesses, on the other hand, as low, sloppy beasts. And he said, “Beasts?” I started thinking of a few fights I’d had with the ex-wife and began to laugh. And I said, “Oh come on, Orson, women should be kept in cages.” If I had known what that remark was gonna cost, I’d of really bitten right through my lip before I ever said it. It was a stupid remark in terms of its cost. A moment’s fun which I’m paying for ever since.
There’s a wonderful remark that a fellow once made with respect to ''[[Women and Their Elegance]]''. It was that a woman got married to a man who’s much beneath her, so she went to a family party and the head of the family looked at her and said, “Thirty days of pleasure and thirty years at the wrong end of the table.” That remark is equal to the one that I made.
'''Grobel''': There’s another remark you made: that it’s very dangerous to stick it up a woman’s ass, it tends to make them more promiscuous.
'''Mailer''': Yeah, that was a rule of thumb remark. [''Laughs''] A pole vaulter’s remark.
'''Grobel''': Is it any wonder that when the Woman’s Movement started you were singled out as a great male chauvinist?
'''Mailer'': I was singled out because I was the last man in America to realize how big and powerful a movement that was. I saw all these men running for cover and paying this great respect to woman and I’m such a fool, I said, “What are they doing that for?”
'''Grobel''': Why do you feel that masturbation cripples people and leads to insanity?
'''Mailer''': Why do you ask me a question when you know the answer?
'''Grobel''': Because not everyone who may read this will have read what you’ve written.
'''Mailer''': The tendency of masturbation is insanity. In the same way that the tendency of driving 90 mph in a slow speed zone is a crash up. It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. But you can’t cheat life—which is about the only remark I made that I still hang on to. There’s no [[w:objective correlative|objective correlative]] in masturbation. It encourages one’s fantasy life in the weakest fashion possible. The tendency for masturbation nine times out of ten is to push people further and further into loneliness and into a fundamental sense of defeat about not getting what they really want sexually.
'''Grobel''': But can’t that also be a release for them?
'''Mailer''': It’s a release, in the sense it keeps them from something worse happening to them. But to see masturbation as something marvelous and part of a healthy sex life is dubious in the extreme.
'''Grobel''': You don’t write as much about masturbation as you do other sexual acts, including [[w:Sodomy|buggery]].
'''Mailer''': Buggery was much more common in ancient times than it is now. The Romans talked about it all the time. The Greeks lived with buggery; it was sort of a staple for them. It’s my guess that in the Middle Ages you didn’t have an extraordinary amount of buggery because it was a form of contraception between men and women. And people lived much closer to excrement in those days. The smell was everywhere in the air. I had the experience once of being in Japan after the war and people lived very close to the excrement of animals and to their own excrement. American soldiers were far more horrified by the fact that the Japanese would carry their human excrement in these honey pots through the cities or use them in gardens than they were at seeing battlefields with fifty dead soldiers. We seem to have separated ourselves from excrement a long time ago. It may be that you can’t build a modern, technological civilization without keeping the shit out of the machines. But in ancient times that’s the heart and core of it. You can’t conceive of life in those days without a lot of buggery and a lot of living in and around excrement all the time.
'''Grobel''': In ''Ancient Evenings'' you have the chief charioteer getting buggered in a cave by the pharaoh, first in the ass, then in the mouth. Was this a way a pharaoh behaved?
'''Mailer''': It’s the way pharaohs did behave. That was the toughest moment in the writing, because I felt as if I was crossing my own Rubicon at that point. I thought the book demanded it. I had an instinct that this was the great hinge of the book, because the charioteer was a very strong man. When he’s buggered by his pharaoh it changes his life entirely. It dominates not only that life, but also his remaining three lives, because he was born three times. He never comes out from under the shadow of that buggery. I feel it works well as a symbol of power and what power means. Power is buggery. People say that the sex drives in ''Ancient Evenings'' exhibit power relationships; I don’t think it’s true. There is more love there than you’d expect. The queen, Nefertiti, does bare the charioteer’s child, which is only explainable in that she had enough love for him that she didn’t abort the child or destroy it when it was born.
'''Grobel''': In the book, the moment of reincarnation comes through the sex act.
'''Mailer''': It’s not proper reincarnation. He has himself reborn directly into the belly of his woman. As he dies, so his seed enters her belly and he’s reborn. That’s not true reincarnation. I always felt reincarnation means that you die and then some cosmic agent looks you over and decides your next life. In other words, there is a moment of truth, where your life is judged and you’re sent out to improve the condition of the cosmos by the trials and joys you’re going to have in your next existence.
'''Grobel''': Is that what you think will happen to you after you die?
'''Mailer''': I think reincarnation is the natural way to do it.
'''Grobel''': What would you like to come back as?
'''Mailer''': I don’t have a clue. I feel great modesty before the Lord. I wouldn’t dream of saying what I’d come back as, that’s about the fastest way I know of not getting it. I think the Lord takes one look at you and that’s it. I have a working joke on this: since I’ve contemplated these matters, I find that I’m killing cockroaches less and less often.
'''Grobel''': Do you literally believe in God?
'''Mailer''': It’s much simpler than not to accept Him or Her.
'''Grobel''': Her?
'''Mailer''': I learned my lesson. I’ll make my peace with the women libbers yet.
'''Grobel''': Is it true that your publisher was worried that they wouldn’t make their money back on ''Ancient Evenings'' so they put you under the gun to write another, shorter novel?
'''Mailer''': Is that the general interpretation of it?
'''Grobel''': It’s the interpretation I’ve given.
'''Mailer''': You’re clever. Yeah, they want me to do a short book because their feeling is that their chances of doing well with a short book are fine. I expect they’re right. But why do we have to have this evil interpretation of it? I’m not under the gun. I agreed. I wanted to do a short book (''Tough Guys Don’t Dance'') after I finished ''Ancient Evenings''.
'''Grobel''': ''Ancient Evenings'' is the first of your planned trilogy. Do you think you’ll write the next two books?
'''Mailer''': I hope I will. I’ve got two huge books to do, one about a spaceship in the future and one about modern times. But it’s not automatic. Maybe I’ll do it and maybe I won’t. ''Ancient Evenings'' was written to stand by itself, it does not need the other two to fulfill it.
'''Grobel''': How has ''Ancient Evenings'' been received?
'''Mailer''': It made me a prophet for too little. I said I was going to get the very best and the very worst reviews I’d ever gotten and that’s been true. On the one hand I’ve been called the best writer in America, on the other hand, two reviewers used the same word, disaster.
'''Grobel''': After the dust settles, will it rank among your most important work?
'''Mailer''': I think it will. If you work eleven years on a book and you take yourself seriously, as I do, how could I possibly not think it’s my best book? I could be wrong, but I don’t think I am. I think it is my best because I know what went into it. It’s a very difficult book to get a hold of and seize and control. The prevailing mode in American letters is for high-tech writing. Writing that has a sheer command of the surface.
'''Grobel''': [[w:Tom Wolfe|Tom Wolfe]]?
'''Mailer''': He’s a very good example of that. But any number of writers are admired for their ability to capture the surface of things. They do it with skill and wit and irony. Irony is terribly important and crucial to modern writing. The kind of books that we like best are books where we’re on top of three-quarter’s of the book, because we know and recognize it, we’re comfortable with it, and one-quarter of it is new enough to give us pleasure. That’s a very good working mixture. With ''Ancient Evenings'' you’ve got a novel that’s brand new, there isn’t anything familiar, there’s nothing in psychology we can count on, because it’s a profoundly different psychology from our own. It owes nothing to Freud. Or to the Judeo-Christian tradition. As a result it’s a book that inspires an awful lot of irritability in people who like to be in command of what they’re reading. For some people it’s impossibly long, dull and boring. For others it’s rich, fabulous and sensuous. There is a fundamental division of opinions.
'''Grobel''': Why are good novels so painful to read?
'''Mailer''': That’s an excellent question. Name me any great novel you’ve ever read that didn’t bore you in part while reading it the first time. A great novel has a consciousness that’s new first. And any time we undergo that, we get bored because we have to withdraw and digest this new consciousness before we can go back to it. I’ve been bored in part by ''[[w:Moby Dick|Moby Dick]]'', ''[[w:The Red and the Black|The Red and the Black]]'', ''[[w:Anna Karenina|Anna Karenina]]'', ''[[w:The Scarlet Letter|The Scarlet Letter]]''.
'''Grobel''': Your editor compared you to Picasso in terms of your range, your refusal to age or to lose energy. Is that an agreeable comparison for you?
'''Mailer''': It’s a little on the grand side. Picasso’s a great artist who made huge changes in the word. There are two kinds of artist. There’s the artist who essentially has an identity, and we turn to that artist to feel the resonance of that particular identity. Matisse, Renoir, Cézanne, to a lesser extent Van Gogh. We know what we’re going to get when we look at their work. But with Picasso, he was interested in throwing away his own identity in order to find a new one. Style for him was not something that was attached to his identity; style was a cutting edge with which he attacked the nature of reality. So he went through a whole series of phases and changes. I find literary style is that for me. But don’t trust what I say because it’s self-serving, as all writers’ remarks are. The negative aspect of that is, “He can’t write good any more so his new style is a departure.” Take your pick.
'''Grobel''': Any other artists or writers you wouldn’t mind being compared with?
'''Mailer''': I don’t know. I could say no. Yes. Maybe.
'''Grobel''': What about Gabriel Garcia Marquez?
'''Mailer''': Oh, Marquez is wonderful. He may be a great writer, but we’re not at all alike. I’ve read ''[[w:One Hundred Years of Solitude|One Hundred Years of Solitude]]'' after I was halfway into ''Ancient Evenings'' and I was getting blissful when I read it. I thought, God, this guy covers family with ten people in it and they go through twenty years and he does it all in five or ten pages. In ten pages I’m lucky to get around one bend of the Nile. He writes very quickly about a great many things, he has that gift. If I have a gift it is in the opposite direction. I want to catch the slow movement of that Nile.
'''Grobel''': Marquez won the Nobel Prize. The opening of your ''[[The Prisoner of Sex]]'' dealt with your obsession with winning that prize. What would it mean to you now if you got it?
'''Mailer''': I fully expect not to get it. It’s the kind of thing that’s not going to come my way.
'''Grobel''': Honestly?
'''Mailer''': Well, there’s always a shot at it. But one of the things it depends on is your popularity in your own country with the most respected academics in the country. From what I’ve gathered, the Swedish Academy listens carefully to the literary curators of a country. I don’t think my stock would be particularly high with them.
'''Grobel''': Do you feel that you’ve succeeded in creating a revolution in the consciousness of our times, as you once declared it was your ambition to do?
'''Mailer''': If we can use an image from buggery, I think I’ve gotten halfway up.

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