Norman Mailer Society/Conference/2017 Sarasota, FL

15th Annual Norman Mailer Society Conference
Sarasota Lido Hotel, FL
October 26-28, 2017

We are pleased to announce that the 2017 Norman Mailer Society Conference will be held in Sarasota, Florida, in cooperation with the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee.


Call for Papers

Phillip Sipiora (psipiora [at], Maggie McKinley (mmckinle [at], J. Michael Lennon (jmlennon1 [at], and Gerald Lucas (gerald.lucas [at] are the program co-chairs. Please email them with ideas for panels, papers or special events.

To accommodate all presenters, paper presentations should be no longer than ten minutes. Full papers can be made available to those interested, of course, and submitted for possible publication in The Mailer Review. Two or three papers will be presented in one-hour time slots, with the remaining time going to participant discussion and audience questions. Panels will also run for one hour, as will most video screenings. Please indicate media requirements in your proposal. $100 travel grants are available for students whose proposals are approved.

Guidelines for submission: Email a 50-word biographical statement and a 150-200 word abstract of the proposed presentation to the program co-chairs by June 1, 2017.