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Norman Mailer: Works and Days/Index of Names/M

From Project Mailer
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Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z  
Name Entries Notes
Maas, Peter 69.769.1069.80
Macdonald, Cynthia 86.11
Macdonald, Dwight
MacDonald, John D. 84.10
MacDonogh, Steve 93.9
MacDougall, Redford 62.2
MacDowell, Edward 73.3574.7
MacDowell, Edwin 83.46a
Macedo, Maureen 07.39
MacGregor, Martha 62.565.6
MacInnes, Colin 61.21a
MacIntosh, Jeane 95.34
MacPherson, Myra 70.11
Madden, David 74.14
Madden, Tim 84.1084.1386.3787.27
Madonna 94.7
Mailer, Adele Morales 55.460.10c60.10e60.1161.2062.979.792.397.1197.23d98.700.1002.203.307.3307.34a Mailer’s second wife
Mailer, Barbara Norris Church “Norris” 63.3976.1279.179.3a79.479.579.1480.1380.2080.2283.183.1383.1883.3083.4783.5991.2395.1695.5497.1397.17a97.23d98.1000.1301.101.301.502.103.1703.1803.2504.105.1006.206.1007.4708.809.510.211.4 Mailer’s sixth wife
Mailer, Beatrice Silverman “Bea” 48.282.2306.9 Mailer’s first wife
Mailer, Beverly Rentz Bentley 63.3765.767.1368.869.6978.478.579.279.379.579.880.1399.8 Mailer’s fourth wife
Mailer, Calan 07.10 Mailer’s grandson
Mailer, Carol Stevens 71.2076.21a79.5b80.13 Mailer’s fifth wife
Mailer, Cyrus Force 07.10 Mailer’s grandson
Mailer, Danielle “Dandy” 63.3771.183.1897.1315.216.4 Mailer’s daughter
Mailer, Elizabeth Ann “Betsy” 63.3771.183.1897.1316.4 Mailer’s daughter
Mailer, Fanny Schneider “Fan” 48.271.2998.1a98.11b98.12 Mailer’s mother
Mailer, Isaac Barnett ”Barney” 59.1372.1780.2498.11b06.307.7 Mailer’s father
Mailer, John Buffalo 79.1483.1883.5997.1304.804.1505.206.206.306.807.2709.5 Mailer’s son
Mailer, Kate Calean 63.3771.183.1183.1886.2286.2991.4897.1316.3 Mailer’s daughter
Mailer (Cran,) Lady Jeanne Louise Campbell 62.362.662.962.1063.3768.21a Mailer’s third wife
Mailer, Mattie James 07.10 Mailer’s grandson
Mailer, Maggie Alexandra 80.1383.1897.13 Mailer’s daughter
Mailer, Matthew Norris 83.1897.13 Mailer’s son
Mailer, Michael Burks 65.771.183.1895.3795.3997.1399.011.1 Mailer’s son
Mailer, Stephen 71.183.1897.13 Mailer’s son
Mailer (Colodro), Susan 56.463.3767.2067.2271.172.783.1884.297.13 Mailer’s daughter
Mailer, Theodore 07.10 Mailer’s grandson
Malaquais, Jean
Malina, Judith 64.18
Mallory, Carol 07.47
Mallory, Carole Wagner 86.186.2989.990.191.395.3409.7
Malraux, André 44.162.2564.23
Mancini, Joseph 68.16a
Mann, Roderick 81.19
Mann, Thomas 80.800.1007.44
Manso, Peter 69.5869.8085.1391.2200.102.8
Manson, Charles 75.1
Marchand, Philip 91.34a
Marchi, John J. 69.6269.6669.68
Marcus, Stephen 64.1
Marcuse, Herbert 68.969.22
Margaronis, Maria 86.18
Marlowe, Hugh 67.1367.20
Márquez, Gabriel García 74.1877.1179.3081.16
Martine, Darrell 79.8
Marx, Karl 51.359.762.2589.5a97.23b00.1
Maslin, Janet 07.12
Mason, Bobbie Ann 92.14
Mason, Marsha 67.13
Massie, Robert K. 89.3
Match, Richard 48.13
Matthew, Felicia 97.23e
Matthiessen, Peter 99.2
Matusow, Harvey 68.23
Matz, Charles 70.4
Maxwell, William 96.6
Mayer, L.B. 89.6
Mays, Vicki 84.23b
McAuliffe, Kevin Michael 78.7
McCabe, Carol 95.22
McCain, John 04.8
McCann, Colum 10.3
McCarthy, Cormac 98.9
McCarthy, Eugene 68.2391.3
McCarthy, Mary 62.2463.3675.1080.607.47
McCarthy, Tim 03.26
McCarthy, Todd 87.4
McCarthy, W.J. 65.15
McClosky, John 68.21a
McClure, Michael 61.564.1865.367.2383.19
McClurg, Jocelyn 91.32
McConnell, Scott 02.10
McCrum, Robert 07.41
McDonald, Erroll 81.11
McDonald, William 81.8
McDowall, Roddy 66.14
McDowell, Edwin 84.885.585.885.986.786.986.1086.1189.3
McElroy, Joseph 81.7
McFadden, Marian 80.11
McGovern, George 72.21a72.2384.27b
McGrady, Mike 67.18
McGuane, Tom 91.23
McInerney, Jay 95.47
McKay, Alistair 00.7
McKinnon, George 82.19a
McLaughlin, Jeff 90.4
McLuhan, Marshall 68.22
McManus, Doyle 82.4
McMurtry, Larry 89.891.23
McNally, Judith 83.1887.23a95.1695.3897.13
McNamee, George C. 70.6
McNeeley, Tom 65.17
McNeil, Legs 79.780.4a99.8
McVeigh, Timothy 95.2395.26
McWherter, Joe 67.13
Mead, Margaret 52.1
Medwick, Cathleen 80.1683.3083.34
Mejías, Ignacio Sánchez 67.2067.2284.2
Melcher, Fredric 48.13
Meltzer, David 61.5
Melville, Herman 51.276.1291.391.4295.42
Menenhetet 83.1783.28
Meras, Phyllis 67.19
Meridith, Scott 65.769.3474.1079.1482.2383.1883.2183.46b83.4884.17
Merkin, Daphne 87.26
Merrill, Robert 73.43
Meskil, Paul 69.27
Meyer, John 97.23
Meyerowitz, Joel 84.1791.1093.8a03.24
Michaelson, Judy 61.2069.14
Michelson, Jeffrey 81.23
Michener, James 85.1
Middlebrook, Jonathan 76.21b
Millar, Jeff 71.15a
Miller, Arthur 80.1285.191.28
Miller, Henry 66.1468.1176.376.476.1276.1877.1183.1987.490.191.4004.307.18
Miller, Merle 49.2
Miller, Tim 86.3787.12
Millett, Kate 72.3b
Mills, C. Wright 52.160.2
Mills, Hilary 81.282.2383.3183.5084.591.22
Milosevic, Solobodan 99.300.2
Milosz, Czeslaw 86.27
Milton, John 07.15
Miner, Colin 07.9
Minton, Walter 55.465.565.774.1982.23
Minzesheimer, Bob 97.2398.803.1907.4
Michener, James 82.10a
Mirabella, Alan 87.14a
Misuno, Takaaki 06.7
Mitgang, Herbert 76.1879.5a80.583.684.3186.2
Moberley, Leeds 60.10e
Modzelewski, Joseph 69.20
Moffitt, Phillip 83.54
Molloy, Joanna 91.38
Monaghan, Charles 71.24
Monk, Thelonious 79.35a
Monroe, Marilyn 55.662.1873.1573.1673.1973.2073.2373.2473.2573.2673.2773.2873.2973.3073.3273.3373.3473.3773.3873.4273.4674.1275.175.380.1280.1480.1580.1680.1880.1981.682.983.10a83.1186.2294.597.23b07.1807.2111.2
Montague, Hugh “Harlot” 88.591.1191.1291.1391.16
Montgomery, M.R. 95.49
Montgomery, Paul L.
Moody, Howard R. 59.1967.24
Moore, Frazier 97.2a
Moore, Harry T. 63.8
Moore, Marianne 63.33
Moore, Paul 71.30a
Moore, William 72.16
Moorehead, Agnes 93.1
Morath, Inge 86.30
Morgan, Bill 86.41
Morgenstern, Joseph 69.5
Morris, Helen 89.1409.4
Morris, Willie 68.871.1071.1171.1271.1371.2176.581.1582.23
Morris, Wright 68.7a
Morrison, Theodore 63.3475.14
Morrison, Toni 85.1586.1705.11a
Morse, Robert 89.12
Morton, Frederic 71.17
Moschen, Isabella 07.10 Mailer’s granddaughter
Moses 83.44
Moss, Robert F. 82.22
Motherwell, Robert 95.51
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 71.19
Muggeridge, Malcolm 68.22
Munch, Charles 79.14
Muro, Mark 82.21
Murphy, Modene 91.5
Musel, Bob “Muffo” 82.26
Muske-Dukes, Carol 03.14
Muste, A.J. 67.24