The Mailer Review/Volume 2, 2008/A New Politics of Form in Harlot's Ghost: Difference between revisions

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“The sour truth is that I am imprisoned with a
perception which will settle for nothing less
than making a revolution in the consciousness
of our time” (''Advertisements for Myself'' 17).
“Please do not understand me too quickly.”
(Norman Mailer’s quoting of Andre Gide in
the epigraph to ''The Deer Park'').
==I. Introduction==
Norman Mailer was one of the most ambitious writers of our time. He had
enormous faith in the power of writing to influence and change society and to alter the quality of human life. Despite the controversies that swirled around his public figure, he should be more recognized for the scope of his efforts to use his writing to transform America. With bravado, courage, and a bit of recklessness, he has repeatedly proclaimed his ''personal'' ambition to place himself, as a writer, in the company of literary giants and thereby remedy what he believes are America’s literary deficiencies, while also promising that he is about to write a novel that will create the “revolution in consciousness” (''Advertisements 17'') which he believes is necessary to rejuvenate a stagnant America,1 through writing the “great American novel” which
will “tell the truth of our times.” Undoubtedly, however, this effort has been fraught with difficulties; as Carl Rollyson explains in his biography of Mailer: “In the forty years since The Naked and the Dead Mailer has been searching for a way to write the great panoramic American novel.... America had seemed too complex for any single novelist—no matter how mature—to take on (359).” His last, sustained effort to reveal America through a work of fiction is the long historical novel about the CIA, ''Harlot’s Ghost''. However, this novel has been overlooked as the culmination of Mailer’s project of a fictional representation of America and therefore largely ignored as the important work of politically engaged fiction that I believe it is.2 This is undoubtedly because the novel presents a strange puzzle; both its content and form need careful consideration before its significance can be understand.
My essay offers a reading of the novel in relation to Mailer’s efforts to use
fiction writing to reveal contradictions at the heart of American society and
challenge American ideology, particularly in relation to the Cold War, while
offering an explanation for the unorthodox formal features. In contrast to
most critics who have written on the novel, I believe that Harlot’s Ghost
presents a fierce indictment of America during the Cold War and after,
which is intensified by the unconventional form.3 Indeed, I hope to show
that the novel’s importance and significance, the truth it tells about American society, lies in what might appear its utter failure, both as a novel and a
judgment on the history and politics, namely the way the novel fails to
cohere as a novel. The novel refuses overt judgments on the events narrated.
Paradoxical as it may seem, I will argue that the failure of traditional novelistic form and resolution creates a dialectic between reader and text allowing important revelations about American society to emerge which make the
novel a success in telling the “truth of our times.” The truths revealed are
precisely that the issues of the novel, which concern the meaning of the Cold
War and the struggle between capitalism and its challenges, are not over and
that instead of “the end of history” ~to use Francis Fukiyama’s famous
phrase! we are still plunged into unresolved history. Therefore, the novel’s
form and its political and social content are unified in their challenge to the
dominant societal narratives about America and how these narratives are
traditionally told.
==II. A Mystery wrapped in an Enigma==
The relative neglect of the novel is easily understandable. After 1,168 pages,
Norman Mailer terminates Harlot’s Ghost with a promise. He writes in bold
capital letters at the end of the novel “TO BE CONTINUED.” 4 There has
been no sequel. To make matters worse, none of the conflicts of the novel,
whether personal or political, are resolved, leaving readers to wonder about
the fate of Harry Hubbard, the central character, and the other characters in
the novel. This has obviously frustrated many readers. Given that Hubbard
is a CIA agent caught in highly charged, real episodes in the history of the
Cold War, and considering Mailer’s career-long ambition to tell the “truth of
our times,” more information is expected. The novel ends with Hubbard in
Moscow, after years of service to the CIA, looking for his godfather and
career mentor, known as Harlot, who may have faked death and defected to
the Soviets. In the last sentence of the novel, Hubbard poses a question:
“Could I be ready to find my godfather and ask him, along with everything
else I would ask: ‘Whom?’ In the immortal words of Vladimir Ilich Lenin,
‘Whom? Whom does all this benefit?’” 5 It is puzzling that this question, so
starkly posed, has not received an answer in the sequel promised at the end
of the novel.
Mailer sets up grandiose expectations for the sequel by the incomplete
ending and the final questions of the novel. The information left open concerns the fictional life of Harry Hubbard but also implies a verdict on the
politics of America in the Cold War. To explain the events of Harlot’s Ghost
means to reveal history since Hubbard is conveniently placed in the midst of
major episodes in the Cold War due to his role in the CIA as an “agent” trying to influence developments. It is only at the end that Hubbard and readers realize the degree to which there is uncertainty as to what exactly has
happened and why. In effect, the novel has set up a mystery without providing answers. However, to provide the meaning of the political events so
starkly, in the form of answers to a question ~“Whom does all this benefit?”!,
which will supposedly be answered when Harlot is located, is difficult to
imagine given the deep level of political truths involved. Can any person, no
matter how well placed, really be imagined who can answer ultimate truths
about the meaning of the Cold War? In my view, it is to Mailer’s credit that
he challenges himself to find a way to imaginatively create persuasive
answers and meaning to the most important political issues of our times. Yet,
it is further to his credit that, whether consciously or not, he has shown the
honesty to abandon a simple approach to a career long objective which
could only be achieved, I will argue, at the cost of intellectual, political, and
literary triviality. In effect, Mailer turns away from a dream that, if achieved,
would situate him as part of a literary tradition that includes authors he
admires most: Balzac, Tolstoy, and Zola, who also strove to tell the truth of their times. However, to invent a character revealing the meaning behind historical events brings to mind the superficiality of conspiracy theories, one
form of historical fiction that seems to be growing in popularity ~sometimes
interestingly in literature but tragically in public discourse!.
6 On the other
hand, Bertolt Brecht’s goal for writers that they should “render reality to men
in a form they can master” ~Aesthetics and Politics 81! 7 seems the prerequisite for any politically useful fiction and sets up relevant criteria for evaluating Harlot’s Ghost. Therefore, Mailer’s unwillingness or inability to write an
ending or sequel to Harlot’s Ghost will be considered in light of such Brechtian goals. This paper will show that the novel’s lack of resolution is best
understood not as a personal failure, or as symptomatic of the impossibility of political writing at the present time, but rather represents a new and
valuable strategy in Mailer’s efforts to present unpleasant realities of American society. It should be noted, in passing, that my argument is not based on
Mailer’s conscious intention, which cannot be definitively ascertained, but
rather on the logic of the novel in relation to its historical and political subject matter and Mailer’s stated objectives. These objectives are derived from
Mailer’s career-long writings, interviews and public pronouncements and, in
my view, form a clear and definable worldview and approach to human existence and human freedom.
With a few notable exceptions, this novel hasn’t fared well among critics
and readers because it has been taken as conservative and sympathetic to the
CIA, and because of its lack of an ending. These reactions need to be reconsidered. The novel is not a flattering portrait of the CIA, as we shall see,
despite the tendency of some commentators to conflate the politics of Harlot’s Ghost with that of its narrator and protagonist, Harry Hubbard who, at
least initially, views the CIA as a noble organization.8 Harlot’s Ghost presents
a damning vision of contemporary American society that fits into an alternative canon of politically engaged, Cold War literature that find traditional
modes of representation inadequate for conditions of late capitalism. The
novel’s lack of closure, although frustrating to many readers, reflects an
unwillingness to artificially resolve the real historical conditions and conflicts depicted in the novel—even if this is a post-facto explanation. This
refusal of premature closure represents a new politics of form for Mailer. To
understand the novel’s lack of ending, we need to consider the subtle and
unexpected affinities between Mailer’s performance and the Brechtian concepts of how political art should function as elaborated by Walter Benjamin.9 The novel’s lack of closure is best understood by considering it in light of
Walter Benjamin’s famous essay, influenced by Brecht, “The Author as Producer.” 10 Benjamin confronts the question that has haunted Mailer for
years—namely, how can authors effectively and meaningfully use their writing to expand creativity and human freedom11 in the face of the
de-personalizing effects of modern capitalism. It is often the case that the
politics of a work of fiction is reduced to its explicit political content but
Benjamin, in contrast makes the claim, still radical in current circumstances,
that “the tendency of a work of literature can be politically correct only if it
is also correct in the literary sense,” ~86! inextricably linking political content to form. Therefore, by Benjamin’s criteria the politics of Harlot’s Ghost
do not reside in what it overtly tells us about the politics of the CIA, but
rather through a more complex dialectic between the novel’s form and content. The justification for Benjamin’s assertion lies in his description of a situation in which,“we are in the midst of a vast process in which literary forms
are being melted down, a process in which many of the contrasts in terms of
which we have been accustomed to think may lose their relevance” ~87!,
which is more true in the contemporary media and information explosion
that accompanies late capitalism than when Benjamin wrote. Mailer’s
incomplete novel can be taken as coherent if, despite the belief that we live
in a post-ideological era where the struggle between capitalism and its challenges are over, the issues at the heart of the Cold War remain unresolved,
leaving a final word impossible.
==III. The Portrait of a Young Man—Hubbard and Mailer==
There is a strange ambiguity within Harlot’s Ghost concerning the novel’s
subject matter. The novel is about real historical events yet it also serves as
a Bildüngsroman ~as Hubbard himself describes the work! ~HG 109! under
the veneer of the spy genre. Harlot’s Ghost certainly disappoints readers who
expect the traditional features of spy novels, since all of the experiences
described are left profoundly opaque and there are no heroic resolutions à
la Ian Fleming. Perhaps the closest literary comparison would be Conrad’s
The Secret Agent since both novels are filled with bureaucratic machinations,
unsavory characters, and a vision of society in terminal crisis, although
Mailer never provides even the limited cognitive satisfaction of Conrad’s
highly ambiguous work. In The Secret Agent, readers are at least provided
with enough details to understand the motivations of the characters and the events of the novel. Harlot’s Ghost features an almost complete, radical indeterminacy, where it is not just the characters that don’t know the meaning of
the events but also the readers and perhaps even the author himself. This situation is justified by understanding the real subject matter of the novel.
Critics who have written about the novel have generally taken it as a simple novel about the CIA, and have failed to notice its allegorical features and
the way the novel operates.12 On the literal level, the novel treats historical
events from the Cold War and espionage. On a deeper level, the novel concerns issues central to Mailer, namely the possibility of creativity, freedom,
and the cost of success in American society. Mailer’s intellectual framework,
based on the valorization of courage and existential integrity as the road to
self-expansion, is tested in this novel through characters who strive to succeed in influencing history.13 Further, as is often true of Mailer’s writing,
questions of individuality and freedom intersect with the status of writing
and being a writer. The status of writing is explicitly at stake since the novel
is formed by a series of incomplete narratives with missing information from
the protagonist Hubbard, who at one point explains, “I clung to my writings as if they were body organs” ~102!. Hubbard feels that if he can narrate
the events he will have gained knowledge and provided absolute truths; however, since his narrative if fragmentary, filled with gaps, and incomplete, he
cannot fulfill either goal.
Mailer’s treatment of the dangers and conditions of life in the CIA gives
a clue to the novel’s real subject matter, which is broader than just the military and information gathering features of the Cold War. The Cold War and
espionage serve as parts of a greater whole, as metonymic representations of
the nature of life in America. This explains the fact that we find few episodes
of physical danger in Mailer’s CIA. Instead, the difficulty of CIA work seems
to parallel the struggles of any individual striving for success inside a large,
faceless bureaucracy and an impersonal society. Harry Hubbard describes
himself at the beginning of the novel when he reviews his entire career, as a
once-promising CIA operative, who is reduced to hack status. He has failed
in every major project and has been reduced to the object of amusement by
his colleagues who whisper about his failed potential. Indeed, all the agents
in the novel, whether fictional or based on real CIA agents, are obsessed with
the most American of ambitions: career advancement. Courage, skill, and
grace ~key values for Mailer! are generally tested in the shark infested waters
of “the Company,” not by evil madmen intent on taking over the world, but by common features of life in capitalist America, including the struggle for
career advancement. The dangers to America are what America is becoming. This theme is familiar in Mailer’s work and has been accurately summarized by Harold Bloom as conditions of,“@A#n America where he @Mailer#
sees our bodies and spirits as becoming increasingly artificial, even ‘plastic’
....” ~“Norman” 40!. In other words, authentic experience and meaningful
action is constantly threatened by standardizing features and mediocrity
prevalent in the CIA ~“the Company” extraordinaire!.
An indicative example of life in the CIA and its “dangers” face Hubbard
on his first assignment. He is placed in a records room known as the “Snake
Pit” and ordered to provide information and files on an individual known
only by a code acronym. He cannot locate the data since it has either been
removed or lost. Since he is under orders by a superior officer overseas to
provide this information, which cannot be located, his mission becomes to
conceal his own identity as an incompetent data clerk. He is able to do this
with the help of his mentor and Godfather, Harlot, who has the power to
change Harry’s own code name acronym. Eventually, he gets placed overseas and finds himself in West Germany, serving under Bill Harvey ~the real
CIA station head at that time! who gives him the assignment of locating the
real identity of the incompetent data clerk who, it turns out, failed to locate
information for Harvey. Hubbard’s mission becomes investigating and
reporting on the real identity of an incompetent clerk who turns out to be
Hubbard himself ~shades of Oedipus!.
