Talk:The Mailer Review/Volume 5, 2011

Revision as of 09:17, 9 March 2025 by Grlucas (talk | contribs) (Added Kaufmann.)

Article Assignments, Vol. 5

You will need to request an article and user name for Project Mailer. You may click the link to your article below to begin your edits. Status indicators in the ? column:  Y = complete (ready for final edits and banner removal);  Y = in process;  N = not started.

Author Article Editor ?
Toback Norman Mailer Today User:Kamyers  N
Rhodes The Films of Norman Mailer User:TPoole  N
Cohen Making Masculinity and Unmaking Jewishness User:Daddy D  N
Mitchell Playboy Magazine Heavyweight User:NrmMGA5108  N
Gladstein Piling On User:MerAtticus  N
Kaufmann Cluster Seeds and the Mailer Legacy User:ADavis  N
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