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"The Naked and the Dead". In Cross-Section: A Collection of New American Writing, edited by Edwin Seaver, 392-420. New York: Simon and Schuster, March. Advance excerpt from The Naked and the Dead (48.2). Rpt: Appearing about a month before the novel, this excerpt (with minor variations) is the greater part of chapter 5, part 1, a description of dragging the anti-tank guns through the jungle and the following firefight at the river, an excerpt reprinted countless times in anthologies of war writing. Noted as "work in progress" on dustwrapper; 98.7 (partial). See Seaver's recollections of Cross-Section and Mailer in his memoir, So Far So Good: Recollections of a Life in Publishing (Westport, Conn.: Lawrence Hill, 1986). See also Mailer's comments on Seaver in Advertisements For Myself (59.13), 28–29.