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Yet, two points may be made. First, the Judeo-Christian tradition yields many parallels to the ''nada'' experience: the reflections of Job; the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53; the ocean as symbol of chaos, “the dark night of the soul” from the Spanish mystic, St. John of the Cross; the ''via negativa'' of medieval theology; the abandonment of Christ on the Cross; creation as the transforming of an earth “without form and void."{{sfn|1970|p=Gen. 1.1–2}} Before Hemingway’s epigraph from Ecclesiastes, we read, “Emptiness, emptiness, says the Speaker, emptiness, all is empty."{{sfn|1970|p=Ecc. 1.2}} Much of modern{{pg|337|338}} theology has a strong existentialist flavor.{{efn|Shaped by Heidegger, Sartre and post-war anomie, Existentialism has earlier sources in the Christian philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard, and is seen in theologians Karl Barth, Reinhold Niebuhr, Paul Tillich, and Rudolf Bultmann. On American Existentialism, Adamowski{{sfn|Adamowski|2005}} is crucial.}} Yes, two different “language games” are being played here, but they are not necessarily incompatible with one another.
Yet, two points may be made. First, the Judeo-Christian tradition yields many parallels to the ''nada'' experience: the reflections of Job; the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53; the ocean as symbol of chaos, “the dark night of the soul” from the Spanish mystic, St. John of the Cross; the ''via negativa'' of medieval theology; the abandonment of Christ on the Cross; creation as the transforming of an earth “without form and void."{{sfn|1970|p=Gen. 1.1–2}} Before Hemingway’s epigraph from Ecclesiastes, we read, “Emptiness, emptiness, says the Speaker, emptiness, all is empty."{{sfn|1970|p=Ecc. 1.2}} Much of modern{{pg|337|338}} theology has a strong existentialist flavor.{{efn|Shaped by Heidegger, Sartre and post-war anomie, Existentialism has earlier sources in the Christian philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard, and is seen in theologians Karl Barth, Reinhold Niebuhr, Paul Tillich, and Rudolf Bultmann. On American Existentialism, Adamowski{{sfn|Adamowski|2005}} is crucial.}} Yes, two different “language games” are being played here, but they are not necessarily incompatible with one another.

The second point on the ''nada'' experience concerns the structure of the story. Several times the bleakness of ''nada'' seems mitigated. Immediately following the stark words, "He smiled and stood before a bar with a shining steam pressure coffee machine" (Hemingway, "Clean" 33). A smile and steaming coffee chase away the ''nada'' experience—for a moment. Then the waiter reaches home, ''nada'' reappears and kills his sleep until daylight. But again, a form of rhetorical balance, for the older waiter dismisses the severity of ''nada.'' "After all, he said to himself, it is probably only insomnia. Many must have it" (33). So, the presence of ''nada'' is not necessarily the negation of God-language.
The second point on the ''nada'' experience concerns the structure of the story. Several times the bleakness of ''nada'' seems mitigated. Immediately following the stark words, "Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee," we red this: "He smiled and stood before a bar with a shining steam pressure coffee machine."{{sfn|Hemingway|1991|p=33}} A smile and steaming coffee chase away the ''nada'' experience—for a moment. Then the waiter reaches home, ''nada'' reappears and kills his sleep until daylight. But again, a form of rhetorical balance, for the older waiter dismisses the severity of ''nada.'' "After all, he said to himself, it is probably only insomnia. Many must have it."{{sfn|Hemingway|1991|p=33}} So, the presence of ''nada'' is not necessarily the negation of God-language.
In For ''Whom the Bell Tolls'' (1940), title and epigraph are from poet priest, John Donne (1572–1631), but God-language again is infrequent. Written close to Neville Chamberlain’s “Peace in our Time” speech (September 1938), Hemingway rejects appeasement.{{efn|“As the clever hopes expire / Of a low dishonest decade."{{sfn|Auden|p=95}}}} Quoting Donne, “No man is an ''Iland,'' intire of it self . . . I am involved in ''Mankinde,''” Hemingway commits to the struggle of the Spanish people.{{sfn|Donne|2003|p=243}} Baker describes the novel as “a study of the betrayal of the Spanish people both by what lay within them and what had been thrust upon them."{{sfn|Baker|1972|p=241}} By 1940, the battle against Fascism in Spain was lost: the greater war was just beginning. Hemingway’s narrative has relevance for both.

=== Notes ===
=== Notes ===
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* {{cite journal |last=Auden |first=W.H. |title=September 1, 1939. |journal=Selected Poems |date=1972 | location=Ed. Edward Mendelson. Expanded ed. New York |publisher=Princeton University Press |pages=95-97|ref=harv }}

* {{cite journal |last=Adamowski |first=T.H. |title=Out on Highway 61: Existentialism in America |journal=University of Toronto Quarterly |volume=74.4 |date=2005 |pages=913-933 |ref=harv }}
* {{cite journal |last=Adamowski |first=T.H. |title=Out on Highway 61: Existentialism in America |journal=University of Toronto Quarterly |volume=74.4 |date=2005 |pages=913-933 |ref=harv }}
* {{cite book |last=Baker |first=Carlos  |date=1972 |title=Hemingway: The Writer as Artist |location=4th ed. Princeton |publisher= Princeton University Press |ref=harv }}

* {{cite book |last=Berger |first=Peter L.  |date=1969 |title=A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural |location=Garden City |publisher= Doubleday |ref=harv }}
* {{cite book |last=Berger |first=Peter L.  |date=1969 |title=A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural |location=Garden City |publisher= Doubleday |ref=harv }}
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* {{cite book |last=Conrad |first=Joseph |date=2008 |title=Heart of Darkness and Other Tales |location=Ed. Cedric Watts. Oxford |publisher= Oxford University Press |ref=harv }}
* {{cite book |last=Conrad |first=Joseph |date=2008 |title=Heart of Darkness and Other Tales |location=Ed. Cedric Watts. Oxford |publisher= Oxford University Press |ref=harv }}
* {{cite book |last=Donne |first=John |date=2003 |title=John Donne's Sermons on the Psalms and Gospels |location=Ed. Evelyn M. Simpson. Berkeley |publisher= University of California Press |ref=harv }}

* {{cite book |last=Fussell |first=Paul |date=1974 |title=The Great War and Modern Memory |location=Cambridge |publisher= Cambridge University Press |ref=harv }}
* {{cite book |last=Fussell |first=Paul |date=1974 |title=The Great War and Modern Memory |location=Cambridge |publisher= Cambridge University Press |ref=harv }}
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* {{cite book |last=Jung |first=Carl |date=1955 |title=Man in Search of a Soul |location=New York |publisher=Harcourt |ref=harv }}
* {{cite book |last=Jung |first=Carl |date=1955 |title=Man in Search of a Soul |location=New York |publisher=Harcourt |ref=harv }}

* {{cite book |title=King James Bible |location=Ed. Robert Carroll and Stephen Prickett. Oxford |publisher=Oxford University Press |ref=harv }}
* {{cite book |title=King James Bible |location=Ed. Robert Carroll and Stephen Prickett. Oxford |publisher=Oxford University Press, 2008 | ref=harv }}

* {{cite journal |last=Kroupi |first=Agori |title=The Religious Implications of Fishing and Bullfighting in Hemingway's Work |journal=The Hemingway Review |volume=28.1 |date=2008 |pages=107-121 |ref=harv }}
* {{cite journal |last=Kroupi |first=Agori |title=The Religious Implications of Fishing and Bullfighting in Hemingway's Work |journal=The Hemingway Review |volume=28.1 |date=2008 |pages=107-121 |ref=harv }}